It’s well recognized that the Rdson of GaN HEMT changes much under different operating conditions. To precisely calculate the GaN HEMT switch loss, it’s necessary to measure the resistance. Otherwise, significant loss error might be obtained, espe...
It’s well recognized that the Rdson of GaN HEMT changes much under different operating conditions. To precisely calculate the GaN HEMT switch loss, it’s necessary to measure the resistance. Otherwise, significant loss error might be obtained, especially high-frequency soft switching. In the past several years, many research and experiments are implemented to explain/test/model this phenomenon. However, no systematic measurement results/setups are reported for the 650V GaN device. This paper aims to make a systematic resistance measurement based on high-power 650 V GaN HEMT, including the on resistance with different temperature/current/frequency/duty/switching statuses. The measurement results show frequency/temperature/switching status are the main factors of dynamic on resistance. While the current/duty is less effective on dynamic on resistance. Polynomial fitting results are accurate enough to predict the dynamic on resistance. With the testing results reported in this paper, the readers could predict the switching loss of GS66516T with much better accuracy.