1 조규화, "패션미학" 수학사 251-, 2004
2 조규화, "일본 패션의 미적 특성에 관한 연구- <모드 자포니슴>을 중심으로 -" 한국패션비즈니스학회 11 (11): 232-246, 2007
3 조규화, "복식사전" 경춘사 151-, 1995
4 "naver 백과사전 http://dic.search.naver.com."
5 "Who’s who, John Galliano http://www.vogue.co.uk/whos_who/John_Galliano" Vogue
6 "Trend meets Classic"
7 Alvin Toffler, "The Third Wave" Bantam 45-60, 1984
8 Andrew Tucker, "The London Fashion Book" Thames and Hudson 1178-, 1998
9 Daniel Bell, "The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism" Basic Books 36-38, 1976
10 7)John Naisbitt · Patricia Aburdene, "Megatrends 2000,N" 1990
1 조규화, "패션미학" 수학사 251-, 2004
2 조규화, "일본 패션의 미적 특성에 관한 연구- <모드 자포니슴>을 중심으로 -" 한국패션비즈니스학회 11 (11): 232-246, 2007
3 조규화, "복식사전" 경춘사 151-, 1995
4 "naver 백과사전 http://dic.search.naver.com."
5 "Who’s who, John Galliano http://www.vogue.co.uk/whos_who/John_Galliano" Vogue
6 "Trend meets Classic"
7 Alvin Toffler, "The Third Wave" Bantam 45-60, 1984
8 Andrew Tucker, "The London Fashion Book" Thames and Hudson 1178-, 1998
9 Daniel Bell, "The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism" Basic Books 36-38, 1976
10 7)John Naisbitt · Patricia Aburdene, "Megatrends 2000,N" 1990
11 "John Galliano's Wicked, Wicked Cut: the designer of the moment dishes it out - interview with Fashion Designer John Galliano-Interview http://www. findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1285/is_n9_v24/ai_15729163"
12 "John Galliano http://www.design museum.org/design/john-galliano" Hello Magazine
13 "John Galliano http://www. designmuseum.org/design/john-galliano" Hello Magazine
14 "John Galliano http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ John_Galliano" Wikipedia
15 "John Galliano"
16 "Irresistible Fun-Fashion"
17 Gerda Buxbaum, "Icons of Fashion:The 20th Century" Prestel Verlag 168-, 1999
18 Gerda Buxbaum, "Icons of Fashion : The 20th Century" Prestel Verlag 168-, 1999
19 Matthi Forrer, "Hokusai" Prestel 56-57, 1991
20 Colin McDowell, "Galliano" Rizzoli 1998
21 Colin McDowell, "Galliano" Rizzoli 72-80, 1998
22 Valerie Steel, "Fifty Years of Fashion : New Look to Now" Yale Univ. Press 152-, 1997
23 Charlotte Seeling, "Fashion-The Century of The Designer. 1900-1999" Könemann 255-, 2000
24 "Fashion's Frontier"
25 Colin McDowell, "Fashion Today" Phaidon 2000
26 "Design in Britain. John Galliano, Fashion Designer 1960 http://www. designmuseum.org/design/john-galliano" Design Museum
27 "Con Immancabile Fantasia with The Usual Imagnation"
28 "Christian Dior"
29 "Christian Dior"
30 "Christian Dior"
31 "Christian Dior"
32 "Christian Dior"
33 Valerie Mendes, "20th-Century Fashion" Thames & Hudson 252-273, 1999