1 "mouse that responds to insulin and to lipolytic hormones" -75, 1978
2 "immortalized and transformed bovine fibroblasts in response to MyoD" 206-21 212,
3 "Thiazolidinediones and faty acids convert myogenic cells into adipose-like els" 270 : 28183-28187, 1995
4 "Regulation of bovine satellite cell proliferation and differen-tiation by insulin and triiodothyronine" endocri (endocri): 373-388,
5 "Regulation of adipocyte gene expresion and diferentiation by perox- isome proliferator activated receptor gama" 5 (5): 571-576, 1995
6 "RNAi-mediated HuR depletion leads to the inhibition" 2003
7 "Muscle satellite cells are multipotential stem cells that exhibit myo-genic" 68 : 245-68 253, 2001
8 "Methods for animal satellite cel cul-ture under a variety of conditions" 22 : 51-61, 2000
9 "Extrinsic regulation of domestic animal-derived satellite cells" 13 (13): 107-126, 1996
10 "Expression of CD34 and Myf5 de-fines the majority of quiescent adult skeletal muscle statellite cells" 151 : 1221-1234, 2000
1 "mouse that responds to insulin and to lipolytic hormones" -75, 1978
2 "immortalized and transformed bovine fibroblasts in response to MyoD" 206-21 212,
3 "Thiazolidinediones and faty acids convert myogenic cells into adipose-like els" 270 : 28183-28187, 1995
4 "Regulation of bovine satellite cell proliferation and differen-tiation by insulin and triiodothyronine" endocri (endocri): 373-388,
5 "Regulation of adipocyte gene expresion and diferentiation by perox- isome proliferator activated receptor gama" 5 (5): 571-576, 1995
6 "RNAi-mediated HuR depletion leads to the inhibition" 2003
7 "Muscle satellite cells are multipotential stem cells that exhibit myo-genic" 68 : 245-68 253, 2001
8 "Methods for animal satellite cel cul-ture under a variety of conditions" 22 : 51-61, 2000
9 "Extrinsic regulation of domestic animal-derived satellite cells" 13 (13): 107-126, 1996
10 "Expression of CD34 and Myf5 de-fines the majority of quiescent adult skeletal muscle statellite cells" 151 : 1221-1234, 2000
11 "Effect of phase limited inhibition of MyoD expression on the termi-nal differentiation of bovine myoblasts no alteration of Myf5 or myogenin expression" 47 : 483-492, 2005
12 "Efect of a combined trenbolone acetate and estradiol implant on fedlot performance carcass characteristics and carcass composition of fedlot steers" 363-371,
13 "Dynamics of myoblast transplantation reveal a dis-crete minority of precursors with stem cell-like properties as the myogenic source" 144 : 1113-1122, 1999
14 "BMP-2-induced Osterix expression is mediated by Dlx5 but is independent of Runx2" 309 : 689-694, 2003
15 "Activation of an adipogenic program in adult myoblasts with age" 123 : 649-661, 2002
16 "A new look at the origin and stem-cell status of musclesatellite cells" 218 : 115-124, 2000