The aim of this study was to develop and analyze a short course educating App Inventor and Arduino that showed the importance of software for youth. The course consists of a total of 10 missions for a 4 hour course divided into 2 parts, each 2 hours r...
The aim of this study was to develop and analyze a short course educating App Inventor and Arduino that showed the importance of software for youth. The course consists of a total of 10 missions for a 4 hour course divided into 2 parts, each 2 hours respectively. We conducted a basic course of Arduino for hardware and software, Processing for server programming, and App Inventor for programming for smartphones. The final mission was to send a signal to a server with a smartphone and to control light connected to a relay which passes Arduino connected with a server and serial communication. Participants completed 95% of missions, and we found the course had an educational effect for improving creativity and realization of software importance.