The main goal of this dissertation is to introduce the Position Adjustable Space Division Multiplex Optical Coherence Tomography. Moreover, Quantitative assessment of touch-screen panel by nondestructive inspection with three-dimensional real-time dis...
The main goal of this dissertation is to introduce the Position Adjustable Space Division Multiplex Optical Coherence Tomography. Moreover, Quantitative assessment of touch-screen panel by nondestructive inspection with three-dimensional real-time display optical coherence tomography. Furthermore, Industrial resin inspection for display production using automated fluid-inspection based on multimodal optical detection techniques
Chapter 2, the use of optical coherence tomography (OCT) to measure several materials immersed in optical adhesives. The effects of variations in the concentration, physical characteristics, and thickness of the materials were studied, and these parameters were found to significantly affect the OCT measurement.
Chapter 3, The large-scale liquid-crystal display (LCD) industry requires an accurate inspection system for identifying defects. Thus, optical coherence tomography (OCT) based automated fluid-inspection (AFI) methodology was introduced to demarcate and enumerate the defects in industrial liquid resins and the final product (LCD smartphone). The accuracy of the method was enhanced by implementing an intensity-detection algorithm. Subsequently, the optimal solidification rates of liquid resins were investigated using a fluorescence sensor-based ultraviolet hardening method to prevent the formation of defects between the internal layers of the LCD panel.
Finally, in chapter 4, a summary of this thesis and its contribution is presented.