This study is consisted of two parts. In the first part, the origin of Christian Universities is identified, and their changes through historical times are examined in order to reidentify their purposes and functions.
The core of the Christian faith...
This study is consisted of two parts. In the first part, the origin of Christian Universities is identified, and their changes through historical times are examined in order to reidentify their purposes and functions.
The core of the Christian faith to be taught in Christian universities and to be transmitted by them to their surrounding world is reaffirmed, which has to be the core of Christian Universities in order to restore their original function that has been lost in the process of their modernizing and secularizing changes.
In the second part of the study, a survey was carried out to find out the personal religious orientations and the Christian ideologies of Christian University graduates. According to the researcher 's former study(1985), the four years of Christian University education had little effect on changing the personal religious orientations of students. In this study, however, it was found that quite a number of Christian University graduates who had had almost no interest in Christianity during their University years became interested in seeking Christian faith after graduation. The different ratios indicate that the more Christian programs such as chapels, revival meetings, courses in Christianity or the Bible, etc. were given during their four years in a Christian University, the more graduates from such periods became Christians after graduation.
Christian Universities have progressed toward seculatization, since they have lost the ecclesiastical character. Christian Universities are higher educational institutions which are rooted in Christian Spirit and which have the function of witnessing Christ to the secular university world.
Christian Universities should respond to the calling of making non-Christian students Christians as well as building up Christian students into excellent and well-rounded Christian leaders for their society. Also they should search for the Biblical categories as the Christian basis of Academic activities in order to integrate learning in Christian perspectives.