Heart failure developing abruptly during the last month of pregnancy or within a few weeks following delivery has been observed in the absence of any known preexisting cafdiac lesion, and a clinical entity called "post-partal heart disease" has been d...
Heart failure developing abruptly during the last month of pregnancy or within a few weeks following delivery has been observed in the absence of any known preexisting cafdiac lesion, and a clinical entity called "post-partal heart disease" has been described. Twenty-four of the postpartum heart failure were studied clinically at the Jeonbug University Hospital during the period three years and nine months, from Jannary, 1976 to October, 1979.
1. Postpartum heart failure showed the peak incidence of age in their second decade and primipara.
2.Among the 24 cases of postpartum heart failure, the symptoms during the first week after delivery developed 8 cases, and 2nd week 6 cases, and 8 week 3 cases.
3. In the spring, postpartum heart failure showed the peak incidence but 5 cases in the summer and winter, respectively.
4.At the damission, chief complains were dyspnea, cough, generalized edema and orthopnea. Physical findings revealed cardiomegaly, pulmonary rales, hepatomegaly, systolic murmur, hypertension and gallop rhythm in frequency.
5.The chest X-ray film showed the cardiomegaly in 18 cases(75%), pulmonary edema in 18 cases(75%) and pleurisy with effusion in 4 cases(16.7%).
6.Electrocardiograms revealed 17 cases(70.8%) sinus tachycardia, 17 cases(70.8%) STT changes, 8 cases left ventricular hypertrophy and 2 cases low voltage in frequency.