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      순조대 초반 권농책(勸農策)의 시행과 양전(量田) 추진 = Enforcement of Agriculture Promotion and Yangjeon (Land Survey)`s Propel in the Early King Sunjo`s Reign



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This essay aims to describe the front and the rear circumstances in King`s order of agriculture promotion, the dispatch of secret royal inspector, Yangjeon(Land Survey) plans and propels. King Sunjo(純祖), the king after King Jeongjo(正祖) was onl...

      This essay aims to describe the front and the rear circumstances in King`s order of agriculture promotion, the dispatch of secret royal inspector, Yangjeon(Land Survey) plans and propels. King Sunjo(純祖), the king after King Jeongjo(正祖) was only 11 years old when he first became the king. He didn`t miss the King`s order of agriculture promotion, which became King`s routine agriculture promotion. Emulating Jungjo, he also poclaimed King`s order of agriculture promotion, which written by himself. Also he emphasized agriculture promotion, at every place of receptioning with officers. In 1808, at the age of 19, Sunjo struggled to take the lead of government administration by his own will. Sunjo`s struggle for the government administration also took place in enforcement of agriculture promotion. In 1809 march, Sunjo unprecedently poclaimed King`s order of agriculture promotion, which made governor of a county investigate people`s difficulty and hardship. King Sunjo modeled King Jungjo`s order of agriculture promotion which made governor of a county investigate people`s difficulty and hardship. at 1798. Sunjo mobilized governor of a county to apprehend Joseon`s state and make solutions for them. King Sunjo accepted dispatch of secret royal inspector to many districts as one of the policy for agriculture promotion. King Sunjo sent secret royal inspectors to all around the country to inquire people`s difficulty and hardship in 1808. The regulation imposed to secret royal inspector, which called ``Jaegeosamok``, contained many parts of policy for agriculture promotion. Most of the duty of the secret royal inspector was whether governor of a county carried policy for agriculture promotion or not. The most tipical point of policy for agriculture promotion during the Sunjo`s reign was the part of founding and propel of Yangjeon (Land Survey). As the 19th century beginned, the controversy about the Yangjeon(Land Survey)`s necessity rose. From the year 1811 there was opinion that the Yangjeon (Land Survey) is necessary. Opinion pro and cons Yangjeon rose and argued, at last the propel of Yangjeon was decided at 1819. As the work to enforce Yangjeon was progressing, in August 1820 Jeolla district governor Yi, Seogu`s cons proposal Yangjeon, which was admitted by the government and the propel of Yangjeon stopped. The goal of Yangjeon work at those times was centered to equality of imposition of tax. They tried to eliminate the factors that made inequality in imposition of tax, and they was also aimed to clear the corruption of landed gentry and make profits go to the nation and the commoners.


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