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      역대 치안총수와 인권정책에 관한 연구 = A Study on the Police Commissioners General and Human Rights Policy



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Our police have greatly developed police security capabilities. As a result, the top five crime arrest rate exceeded 80%, and the arrest rate of violent crimes such as murder, robbery, and rape exceeded 95%. Our police's superior police security compe...

      Our police have greatly developed police security capabilities. As a result, the top five crime arrest rate exceeded 80%, and the arrest rate of violent crimes such as murder, robbery, and rape exceeded 95%. Our police's superior police security competence is highly appreciated globally. Foreign tourists visiting Korea ranked security capabilities of police as the most satisfying area. For the past two years, tourists around the world have chosen Korea as the safest country in the world. The excellence of the investigation capability and the police security system has been acknowledged globally. Korean Police Security System including police investigation, cyber criminal investigation, 112 system and intelligent transportation system are being handed over to 78 countries all over the world.
      Our police's long-standing Dream, independence of investigation rights seemed not long. However, the Yongsan Tragedy has turned the members of the National Human Rights Commission, experts, and the majority of the public, who had been friendly to the police in matters of investigation problem between police and prosecution. The impact of the human rights problem was just as great.
      Most of the Police Commissioners General of the past government exercised police power according to the will of the Blue House or the power. It received public criticism from non-human rights remarks and failed to pursue the right human rights policy. The human rights policy, which was being promoted, would go back to its original position when the Police Commissioner General changed. Until now, the past Police Commissioners General have taken a subservient attitude to political power. For the unjust pressure or interference of political power, Police Commissioner General must fight against it, but until now there has not been such a person in our police headquarters. On the other hand, there are many people who fought against political power among the top police officers in Japan. Now the Police Commissioner General should no longer be aware of the power. After retiring from the position of police agency, Police Commissioner General should retire honorably without any further greed.
      Korean society in the 21st century has been praised by the world as the only nation that succeeded in industrialization and democratization among the colonies. It is an economic powerhouse of the world's top 10 exporting countries and is being treated as an advanced country belonging to the G20. Citizens are also demanding human rights policy of police for advanced countries. Police should go further for the realization of justice and the protection of human rights.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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