1 김영미, "캐서린과 히스클리프의 사랑의 불가능성에 대한 연구: 히스클리프의 인종적 타자성을 중심으로" 19세기영어권문학회 15 (15): 7-32, 2011
2 김진옥, "캐서린-히스클리프, 캐서린-캐시: ?워더링 하이츠?(Wuthering Heights)에 나타난 모성 관계" 한국현대영어영문학회 46 (46): 47-62, 2002
3 브론테, 에밀리, "워더링 하이츠" 서울대학교 출판부 1998
4 원유경, "다시 읽는 『워더링 하이츠』: 캐서린의 유령" 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 1 : 28-46, 1995
5 백낙청, "『폭풍의 언덕』의 소설적 성과, In 문학이 무엇인지 다시 묻는 일" 창비 261-301, 2011
6 김성호, "『위더링 하이쯔』와 감정의 역사" 한국영어영문학회 48 (48): 431-455, 2002
7 김진옥, "[워더링 하이츠]의 분신-언캐니와 오브제 아" 19세기영어권문학회 11 (11): 49-67, 2007
8 Mitchell, Juliet, "Wuthering Heights: Romanticism and Rationality, In Women, the Longest Revolution" Virago 127-144, 1984
9 Miller, Hillis, "Wuthering Heights: Repetition and the ‘Uncanny, In Wuthering Heights" Norton 378-393, 1990
10 Brontë, Emily, "Wuthering Heights" Oxford UP 1976
1 김영미, "캐서린과 히스클리프의 사랑의 불가능성에 대한 연구: 히스클리프의 인종적 타자성을 중심으로" 19세기영어권문학회 15 (15): 7-32, 2011
2 김진옥, "캐서린-히스클리프, 캐서린-캐시: ?워더링 하이츠?(Wuthering Heights)에 나타난 모성 관계" 한국현대영어영문학회 46 (46): 47-62, 2002
3 브론테, 에밀리, "워더링 하이츠" 서울대학교 출판부 1998
4 원유경, "다시 읽는 『워더링 하이츠』: 캐서린의 유령" 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 1 : 28-46, 1995
5 백낙청, "『폭풍의 언덕』의 소설적 성과, In 문학이 무엇인지 다시 묻는 일" 창비 261-301, 2011
6 김성호, "『위더링 하이쯔』와 감정의 역사" 한국영어영문학회 48 (48): 431-455, 2002
7 김진옥, "[워더링 하이츠]의 분신-언캐니와 오브제 아" 19세기영어권문학회 11 (11): 49-67, 2007
8 Mitchell, Juliet, "Wuthering Heights: Romanticism and Rationality, In Women, the Longest Revolution" Virago 127-144, 1984
9 Miller, Hillis, "Wuthering Heights: Repetition and the ‘Uncanny, In Wuthering Heights" Norton 378-393, 1990
10 Brontë, Emily, "Wuthering Heights" Oxford UP 1976
11 Moser, Thomas, "What is the Matter with Emily Jane? Conflicting Impulses in Wuthering Heights" 17 (17): 1-19, 1962
12 Moretti, Franco, "Way of the World: The Bildungsroman in European Culture" Verso 1987
13 Plato. Symposium, "Trans. Alexander Nehamas & Paul Woodruff" Hackett 1989
14 Vine, Steven, "The Wuther of the Other in Wuthering Heights" 49 (49): 339-359, 1994
15 Lukács, Georg, "The Theory of the Novel. Trans. Anna Bostock" MIT Press 1973
16 Sanger, C. P, "The Structure of Wuthering Heights, In Wuthering Heights" Norton 331-336, 1990
17 Homans, Margaret, "The Name of the Mother in Wuthering Heights, In Bearing the Word: Language and Female Experience in Nineteenth-Century Women's Writing" U of Chicago P 1989
18 Williams, Raymond, "The English Novel from Dickens to Lawrence" Chatto & Windus 1973
19 Ellis, Kate, "The Contested Castle: Gothic Novels and the Subversion of Domestic Ideology" U of Illinois P 1989
20 Wion, Philip, "The Absent Mother in Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights" 42 (42): 143-164, 1985
21 Bakhtin, Mikhail, "Speech Genres and Other Late Essays" U of Texas 1986
22 Mellor, Anne K, "Romanticism and Gender" Routledge 1993
23 Tanner, Tony, "Passion, Narrative and Identity in Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, In Contemporary Approaches to Narrative, In Anthony Mortimer" John Benjamins Pub Co 9-23, 1987
24 Eagleton, Terry, "Myths of Power: A Marxist Study of the Brontës" Macmillan 1975
25 Gilbert, Sandra, "Looking Oppositely: Emily Brontë's Bible of Hell, In The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination" Yale UP 1979
26 Stoneman, Patsy, "Introduction, In Wuthering Heights" Oxford UP 1976
27 Cottom, Daniel, "I Think; Therefore, I am Heathcliff" (70) : 1067-1088, 2003
28 Eagleton, Terry, "Heathcliff and the Great Hunger: Studies in Irish Culture" Verso 1994
29 Goetz, William, "Genealogy and Incest in Wuthering Heights" (14) : 359-376, 1982
30 Buchen, Irving, "Emily Brontë and the Metaphysics of Childhood and Love" 22 (22): 63-70, 1967
31 Berman, Jeffrey, "Attachment and Loss in Wuthering Heights, In Narcissism and the Novel" NYU Press 78-112, 1992
32 Bersani, Leo, "A Future for Astyanax: Character and Desire in Literature" Columbia UP 1976