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    RISS 인기검색어

      The circle of God : an archaeological and historical search for the nature of the sacred : a study of continuity



      • 저자
      • 발행사항

        Oxford : Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, 2015

      • 발행연도


      • 작성언어


      • 주제어
      • DDC

        930 판사항(23)

      • ISBN

        9781784911379 (pbk.)
        1784911372 (pbk.)

      • 자료형태


      • 발행국(도시)


      • 서명/저자사항

        The circle of God : an archaeological and historical search for the nature of the sacred : a study of continuity / Brian Hobley.

      • 형태사항

        v, 807 p. : ill., maps ; 30 cm.

      • 일반주기명

        Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

      • 소장기관
        • 국립중앙도서관 국립중앙도서관 우편복사 서비스
        • 부산대학교 중앙도서관 소장기관정보
        • 한양대학교 중앙도서관 소장기관정보
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      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • CONTENTS
      • Part One : The Circle as a Symbol
      • Chapter One : The Nature of Symbolism = 1.1
      • The definition of a symbol = 1.1
      • Methodology, meaning and verification = 1.2
      • CONTENTS
      • Part One : The Circle as a Symbol
      • Chapter One : The Nature of Symbolism = 1.1
      • The definition of a symbol = 1.1
      • Methodology, meaning and verification = 1.2
      • Cognitive archaeology : a new approach to symbolism = 1.4
      • The symbolism of myth, religion and the otherworld = 1.5
      • Chapter Two : Symbolism in the Greco - Roman World = 2.1
      • Greek and Latin terms for the symbol = 2.1
      • Greek and Roman pagan and early Christian views on symbolism = 2.1
      • Invoking the gods : sympatheia and talismans = 2.6
      • The use of iconography to explore the talismanic function of buildings = 2.9
      • Prophecy and divination = 2.10
      • Astrology = 2.12
      • Illustrations = 2.18
      • Chapter Three : Imaging the Gods = 3.1
      • Greco - Roman myth and religion = 3.1
      • Cosmic piety = 3.3
      • Part Two : The Sun as a Universal Symbol
      • Chapter Four : Solar Symbols in the Middle East = 4.1
      • The power of the Sun = 4.1
      • The Sun in Babylon and Assyria = 4.3
      • The Sun in Egypt = 4.4
      • Illustrations : Images = 4.8
      • Chapter Five : Solar Symbols in Megalithic Europe = 5.1
      • The circle = 5.1
      • Spirals = 5.4
      • Circles = 5.5
      • Sun - discs and solar crosses. Pyramidal and wedge - shaped sun triangles = 5.5
      • Rhomboid or lozenge and zig - zag motifs = 5.6
      • Swastikas, solar whorls, meander patterns and gold cones = 5.6
      • Illustrations : Images = 5.8
      • Chapter Six : The Sun and the Celts = 6.1
      • Wheels and swastikas = 6.1
      • Stags = 6.2
      • Water - birds = 6.3
      • Bulls = 6.3
      • Lions = 6.4
      • Horses = 6.5
      • Gold = 6.6
      • Amber and Faience = 6.6
      • Illustrations : Images = 6.7
      • Chapter Seven : Sun - symbols in Mycenae and Crete = 7.1
      • Mycenaean circle and cross symbolism = 7.1
      • Minoan crosses and swastikas at Knossos = 7.1
      • The solar labyrinth, the Cretan labyrinth and the Minotaur = 7.2
      • The Mycenean megaron (royal palace) and circular hearths = 7.3
      • The royal cemetery of Mycenae : grave and tomb circles = 7.4
      • Illustrations : Images = 7.5
      • Chapter Eight : The Greco - Roman Sun = 8.1
      • Helios, the Greek Sun = 8.1
      • Sol, the Roman Sun = 8.2
      • Illustrations : Images = 8.6
      • Chapter Nine : The Celestial Sphere = 9.1
      • The celestial globe on a pillar = 9.2
      • The Roman terrestrial sphere as a symbol of power = 9.4
      • Illustrations : Images = 9.5
      • Chapter Ten : The Advent of Apollo = 10.1
      • The attributes of Apollo = 10.1
      • Apollo and the solar wheel = 10.4
      • Apollo and the omphalos = 10.6
      • Paterae or omphalos bowls = 10.7
      • Apollo's tripod and cauldron = 10.8
      • Orpheus and the solar circle = 10.9
      • Illustrations : Images = 10.11
      • Chapter Eleven : Circularity and Centrality in Greek Thought = 11.1
      • The circle and the philosophers = 11.1
      • Centrality = 11.3
      • The soul : circulation and circularity = 11.6
      • Circumambulation and dance = 11.8
      • Illustrations : Images = 11.12
      • Chapter Twelve : The Celestial Axis = 12.1
      • Sacred trees = 12.1
      • Common Date Palm, Phoenix dactylifera = 12.2
      • Aygeius pillars and the celestial pathway = 12.2
      • Free - standing cosmic pillars columns, cones and Jupiter Columns = 12.4
      • Illustrations : Images = 12.6
      • Part Three : Neolithic and Bronze Age Circular Structures
      • Chapter Thirteen : The Neolithic/Bronze Age Circular World-View = 13.1
      • The "sky prop" in the Bronze Age = 13.1
      • Circularity and centrality at Yeavering = 13.2
      • The solar core of Silbury Hill, Neolithic Circular Cosmic Structures and Landscapes = 13.4
      • Illustrations : Images = 13.7
      • Chapter Fourteen : Stonehenge, Henges and Round Barrows = 14.1
      • Circles in the ritual landscape = 14.1
      • Stonehenge, PhaseⅠ : the Aubrey Holes = 14.2
      • Chapter Fourteen : Stonehenge, Henges and Round Barrows(continued)
      • Stonehenge, PhaseⅢbluestones and sarsen stones = 14.3
      • Station Stones = 14.3
      • The Cursus = 14.4
      • Axeheads = 14.5
      • Bones = 14.5
      • The mythic Stonehenge = 14.6
      • The circle of Avebury = 14.8
      • Timber circles and the great tree henges = 14.8
      • Bronze Age round houses and the central hearth = 14.11
      • British concentric burials in the Bronze and Iron Age = 14.14
      • Illustrations : Images = 14.15
      • Part Four : An Introduction to Greco - Roman Circular Structures
      • Chapter Fifteen : Round Altars, Mundus/Offering Pits and Heröons = 15.1
      • Greek round altars = 15.1
      • Circular altars at the Apollonian centres of Didyma and Miletus = 15.2
      • Roman round altars = 15.3
      • Circular offering pits : the bothros, mundus and sacrariwn = 15.4
      • The bothros = 15.4
      • The mundus = 15.5
      • Hero cults and heroons = 15.6
      • Illustrations : Images = 15.9
      • Chapter Sixteen : Ancient Circular Town Planning = 16.1
      • Auguring the templum = 16.2
      • The pomerium = 16.3
      • The qundrata = 16.5
      • Sacred alignments in Rome, a hypothesis : (1) cardo modulus = 16.6
      • (2) The decumanus = 16.7
      • Alignments to the Circus Maximus = 16.7
      • Celtic centrality and circular town planning = 16.8
      • Illustrations : Images = 16.12
      • Chapter Seventeen : The Tholus = 17.1
      • The classification of tholi = 17.1
      • Archaeological survival and locations = 17.3
      • The archaic antecedents of tholi = 17.5
      • The Athenian tholus rotunda = 17.6
      • The Epidauros tholus : so called Labyrinth? = 17.8
      • The Epidauros tholus floor = 17.10
      • The Arsinoeion tholus rotunda at Samothrace : sanctuary of the Great Gods = 17.10
      • Tholi and tholus complexes at Pella, Thebes, Stymphalus and Kepoi = 17.12
      • Tholi in the marketplace = 17.12
      • Tholi in sacro - idyllic landscapes = 17.14
      • Tholus - like towers and sacred high places = 17.16
      • Tholus acanthus decoration and the Corinthian capital = 17.18
      • Illustrations : Images = 17.21
      • Chapter Eighteen : The Symbolic Meaning of Tholi = 18.1
      • Apollo and tholi = 18.2
      • Chapter Eighteen : The Symbolic Meaning of Tholi(continued)
      • Circular structures at Gallo Roman and Romano British water - shrines = 18.5
      • Illustrations : Images = 18.7
      • Part Five : Circularity at Rome
      • Chapter Nineteen : The Roman Circus = 19.1
      • Sol at the Circus = 19.3
      • Apollo Caelispex at the Circus = 19.4
      • The Hippodrome or Circus Gardens = 19.4
      • Cybele at the Circus = 19.5
      • The spina and the euripus : a symbolic water course and centre for the Sun = 19.6
      • Consus at the Circus = 19.7
      • The Circus obelisk : a solar spire = 19.7
      • Tholi at the Circus = 19.8
      • The symbolism of the Circus = 19.9
      • Appendix to Chapter Nineteen : (a) Solar deities at the Circus Maximus = 19.10
      • Altars and statues on the spina = 19.11
      • (b) Temples, shrines and altars at the Circus Flaminius = 19.12
      • Illustrations : Images = 19.14
      • Chapter Twenty : The Roman Theatre = 20.1
      • Origins in Greece = 20.1
      • Late Republican and early Imperial temple sanctuaries with theatres = 20.1
      • Imperial theatres with temples = 20.3
      • The cosmic architecture of Vitruvius = 20.3
      • Illustrations : Images = 20.4
      • Chapter Twenty - One : Circularity in the Forum Romanuun = 21.1
      • The mundus = 21.1
      • The Bidental (puteal Libononis or Scribonianum) = 21.1
      • The Lapis Niger (Black Stone) = 21.1
      • The Lacus Curtius (Pool of Curtius) = 21.2
      • The Career = 21.2
      • The Umbilicus Romae = 21.2
      • The hemicylium of the Rostra (Orator's Platform) = 21.2
      • The Comitium = 21.3
      • The Maenia column = 21.3
      • The shrine of Cloacina = 21.4
      • The Regia ("Royal Palace") = 21.4
      • Aedes Julius Divus (temple of the Deified Julius Caesar - Julius the God) = 21.4
      • Temple of Aedes Vesta = 21.4
      • The temple of Divus Romulus = 21.5
      • Illustrations : Images = 21.6
      • Part Six : Rome and the New Architecture
      • Chapter Twenty - Two : The Dome in Roman Monumental Architecture = 22.1
      • The "indispensable curve" = 22.1
      • The baldachin as a "dome of heaven" = 22.2
      • Hadrian's melon/umbrella domes = 22.4
      • The symbolism of the dome = 22.4
      • Chapter Twenty - Two : The Dome in Roman Monumental Architecture(continued)
      • Floor mosaics as mirrors of dome ceiling imagery = 22.7
      • Thermae : Roman Imperial Public Baths = 22.8
      • Varro's "aviry" = 22.9
      • Illustrations : Image = 22.10
      • Chapter Twenty - Three : Arches, Vaults and Sacred Gateways = 23.1
      • The "supreme arch of the heavens" : Greek and Etruscan origin = 23.1
      • Sacred Town Gates/Walls and the Triumphal arch : gateways between two worlds = 23.2
      • The triumphal arch gateway of Perge = 23.4
      • Illustrations : Images = 23.5
      • Chapter Twenty - Four : Apses and Hemicycles = 24.1
      • The Greek, origins of the apse = 24.1
      • Roman apse's, exedrae and semi - circular benches = 24.3
      • Apses at the' Domus Flavia = 24.5
      • Hemicycles = 24.6
      • The Septizonium : a planetary façade = 24.7
      • Illustrations : Images = 24.8
      • Chapter Twenty - Five : Circularity in Sacred Palaces = 25.1
      • The Domus Aurea : Nero's Royal Sacred Palace of the Sun = 25.1
      • Diocletian's palace at Spalato(Split) = 25.3
      • The palace of Maximianus = 25.3
      • The Herodium of Herod the Great = 25.4
      • Nimrud Dagh = 25.6
      • Illustrations : Images = 25.6
      • Chapter Twenty - Six : Circularity at Roman Military Sites = 26.1
      • Tropaea (victory monuments) = 26.1
      • The great circular Rhine monument at Augst = 26.1
      • Arthur's O'on : a tropaeum on Hadrian's wall = 26.2
      • Circular structures inside Roman forts : "The Lunt" at Baginton = 26.2
      • The elliptical building at Deva Legionary Fortress = 26.4
      • Illustrations : Images = 26.5
      • Part Seven : Roman Celestial Iconography
      • Chapter Twenty - Seven : The Apollonian Solar Family at Rome = 27.1
      • Venus = 27.1
      • Diana (Luna) = 27.3
      • Asclepius and Hygiena = 27.4
      • Cybele = 27.6
      • Dionysus = 27.7
      • Fortuna = 27.8
      • Hercules = 27.11
      • Mercury (Hermes) = 27.15
      • Mithras = 27.16
      • Neptune = 27.19
      • Orpheus = 27.20
      • Chapter Twenty - Seven : The Apollonian Solar Family at Rome(continued)
      • Illustrations : Images = 27.23
      • Chapter Twenty - Eight : The Circle of the Zodiac = 28.1
      • The origins of the Greco - Roman zodiac = 28.2
      • The decans = 28.4
      • The zodiacal calendar = 28.5
      • The zodiacal ring as a symbol of divinity = 28.6
      • The "altar" of Gabii = 28.11
      • Illustrations : Images = 28.13
      • Part Eight : The Cosmic Master - Builders
      • Chapter Twenty - Nine : Augustus and the Sun - god = 29.1
      • The Apollonian propagandist = 29.1
      • The Capricorn and its meaning = 29.4
      • Astrological symbolism in Augustan temples : the temple of Mars Ultor = 29.6
      • The temple of Concordia = 29.8
      • Augustus and the Circus Maximus = 29.9
      • Augustus, Jupiter and Apollo = 29.10
      • Illustrations : Images = 29.11
      • Chapter Thirty : Augustus' Circular Mausoleum = 30.1
      • The Augustan tradition of rotunda tombs = 30.3
      • Illustrations : Images = 30.4
      • Chapter Thirty - One : Apollo Palatinus and other Augustan Structures = 31.1
      • The Palatine temple of Apollo and Augustus' residence = 31.1
      • Augustus' temple of Vesta on the Palatine = 31.2
      • The temple of Apollo Medicus (Apollo in Circo) = 31.3
      • The Diaeta Apollonis of Gaius Maecenas = 31.3
      • Circle and square symbolism at Pompeii in the Augustan Age = 31.4
      • The "Meta Sudans" and the Augustan Regions of Rome = 31.5
      • The Horologium and the Ara Pacis = 31.7
      • Colonia Augusta Raurica = 31.8
      • Illustrations : Images = 31.9
      • Chapter Thirty - Two : Agrippa's Pantheon = 32.1
      • The circular sacred court = 32.1
      • Illustrations : Images = 32.4
      • Chapter Thirty - Three : Hadrian's Celestial Pantheon = 33.1
      • The dome = 33.2
      • Circles and squares on the Pantheon floor and walls = 33.3
      • Pantheon simulations in antiquity = 33.4
      • Hadrian's philosophical inclinations = 33.5
      • Illustrations : Images = 33.7
      • Chapter Thirty - Four : Hadrian's Circles and Squares = 34.1
      • Hadrian's mausoleum = 34.2
      • The structures at Hadrian's Palace/villa at Tivoli = 34.3
      • Basilica Ulpia Rome = 34.11
      • The temple of Venus and Rome = 34.12
      • The insula of Jason Magnus at Cyrene = 34.13
      • Further examples of circle and square mosaic floors = 34.15
      • Hadrian's hunting tondi and the death of Antinous = 34.15
      • Illustrations : Images = 34.16
      • Part Nine : Circular Symbolism in Roman Life
      • Chapter Thirty - Five : Circles of Death and the Afterlife = 35.1
      • The Etruscan antecedents = 35.1
      • Circular iconography in Roman and early Christian monuments = 35.1
      • Early Christian catacombs = 35.3
      • The circulus lacteus and the road of the dead = 35.5
      • Illustrations : Images = 35.5
      • Chapter Thirty - Six : Solar Discs and Sacred Sun - cakes = 36.1
      • Military solar discs = 36.3
      • The discus and the Panhellenic Olympic Games = 36.4
      • Solar discs and temple pediments = 36.4
      • Oscilla Sacred discs = 36.5
      • Unexplained discs = 36.5
      • Illustrations : Images = 36.6
      • Chapter Thirty - Seven : The Rosette = 37.1
      • The rosette in Mesopotamia and Assyria = 37.1
      • Minoan and Mycenean rosettes = 37.1
      • Greek rosettes = 37.1
      • Etruscan rosettes = 37.3
      • Roman rosettes = 37.3
      • Rosettes, catasterism and the road to the stars = 37.4
      • Christian rosettes = 37.5
      • The meaning of the rosette = 37.5
      • Illustrations : Images = 37.6
      • Chapter Thirty - Eight : Solar Headwear, star, zodiac&rosette garments = 38.1
      • The radiate crown = 38.1
      • The nimbus = 38.1
      • Leafed coronae (crowns or chaplets) and circular wreaths = 38.3
      • Acquiring the Sun's protection = 38.4
      • Chapter Thirty - Eight : Solar Headwear, star, zodiac&rosette garments(continued)
      • Protective Sun - symbols on brooches = 38.6
      • Circular headdresses and solar protection = 38.7
      • Star, zodiac, rosette, covered garments and solar headwear = 38.8
      • Parasols and umbrellas = 38.10
      • The tonsure = 38.10
      • Illustrations : Images = 38.11
      • Chapter Thirty - Nine : Cosmic and Celestial Shields = 39.1
      • The clipeus = 39.1
      • Raising the solar shield = 39.2
      • Illustrations : Images = 39.4
      • Part Ten : The Solar World of Christianity
      • Chapter Forty : Pagan Monotheism and Early Christianity = 40.1
      • The One God = 40.1
      • The solarisation of Jesus = 40.5
      • The Mithraic contribution = 40.7
      • Illustrations : Images = 40.14
      • Chapter Forty - One : Constantine the Great and the Triumph of Apollo = 41.1
      • The chi rho and the solar cross = 41.1
      • Constantinople and Rome = 41.5
      • Converting the Empire = 41.6
      • Illustrations : Images = 41.9
      • Chapter Forty - Two : The Solar Cycle and the Christian Year = 42.1
      • The solstices and the equinoxes = 42.1
      • The vernal equinox = 42.2
      • The winter solstice = 42.3
      • The autumnal equinox and St. Michael the Archangel = 42.5
      • The summer solstice = 42.6
      • Celtic mid - quarter fire - festivals and the Christian calendar = 42.7
      • Illustrations : Images = 42.10
      • Chapter Forty - Three : Circular Symbolism in Early Christian Structures = 43.1
      • Early circular churches = 43.1
      • Baptisteries = 43.3
      • Martyria = 43.4
      • Musolea = 43.4
      • Polygonal chapter - houses = 43.5
      • Churches built on ancient British and Irish circular sites = 43.6
      • Circular church iconography : Paradise Gardens, centralised buildings = 43.10
      • The Sun in the church = 43.12
      • The rose window and the Wheel of Fortune = 43.14
      • Medieval figurative roundels with cosmic/astrological designs = 43.16
      • Labyrinths = 43.17
      • Chapter Forty - Three : Circular Symbolism in Early Christian Structures(continued)
      • Illustrations : Images = 43.31
      • Chapter Forty - Four : The Cross = 44.1
      • Early crosses in Dark Age Britain and Ireland = 44.1
      • Late Christian solar crosses = 44.2
      • Types of crosses (1) Equal armed cross = 44.3
      • Christian Solar Inculturation = 44.10
      • Illustrations : Images = 44.11
      • Chapter Forty - Five : The Unconquered Sun = 45.1
      • Solar heresy within Christianity : the Irish Celtic Church = 45.1
      • Irish round towers = 45.3
      • The sacred yew tree = 45.6
      • The Albigensians = 45.7
      • Greco - Roman circularity, early Islamic symbols and the Mandala : a note = 45.9
      • Illustrations : Images = 45.10
      • 46. Conclusion = 46.1 - 46.3
      • 47. Index (with authors) = 47.1 - 47.59
      • 48. Index Illustration Subject (Caption) = 48.1 - 48.12
      • 49. Illustration : Sources = 49.1 - 49.18
      • 50. Bibliography = 50.1 - 50.34
      • 51. Glossary of Latin&Greek Terms = 51.1 - 51.12

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      정가 판매가(할인율) 포인트(포인트몰)

      The Circle of God: An Archaeological and Historical Search for the Nature of the Sacred: A Study of Continuity

      판매중 365,750원 299,910원 (18%)

      종이책 구매

      15,000포인트 (5%)
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      • RISS 서비스에서는 해당 온라인 서점에서 구매한 상품에 대하여 보증하거나 별도의 책임을 지지 않습니다.


      자료제공 : NAVER

      The Circle of God: An Archaeological and Historical Search for the Nature of the Sacred: A Study of Continuity (An Archaeological and Historical Search for the Nature of the Sacred: a Study of Continuity)

      This study is focussed on circular solar/cosmic symbolism which has endured for seven millennia in the European and Mediterranean worlds. The potency of the solar/cosmic circle should not be understated, as this study will demonstrate, with its worldwide affiliation.















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