1 "Use of organotypic cultures of Cortis organ to study the protectiveeffects of antioxidant molecules on cisplatin-induced damage of auditoryhair cells" 18 : 559-71, 1997
2 "The protective effects ofallopurinol and superoxide dismutase on noise-induced cochlear damage" 109 : 1052-6, 1993
3 "The electrochemical and fluorescencedetection of nitric oxide in the cochlea and its increase following loudsound" 164 : 49-58, 2002
4 "Strong inhibition of mamamalianlipoxygenases by the antiinflammatory seleno-organic compound ebselenin the absence of glutathione" 48 : 65-74, 1994
5 "Role ofglutathione in protection against noise-induced hearing loss" 784 : 82-90, 1998
6 "Protection from noise-induced lipidperoxidation and hair cell loss in the cochlea" 966 : 265-73, 2003
7 "Protection against peroxynitrite" 445 : 226-30, 1999
8 "Mechanisms of noise damage in the inner ear Effects ofNoise on Hearing" Raven Press 41-70, 1976
9 "Lipid peroxidationinhibitor attenuates noise-induced temporary thresholdshifts" 74 : 217-20, 1994
10 "Laser Doppler measurementsof cochlear blood flow during loud sound presentation" 247 : 84-8, 1990
1 "Use of organotypic cultures of Cortis organ to study the protectiveeffects of antioxidant molecules on cisplatin-induced damage of auditoryhair cells" 18 : 559-71, 1997
2 "The protective effects ofallopurinol and superoxide dismutase on noise-induced cochlear damage" 109 : 1052-6, 1993
3 "The electrochemical and fluorescencedetection of nitric oxide in the cochlea and its increase following loudsound" 164 : 49-58, 2002
4 "Strong inhibition of mamamalianlipoxygenases by the antiinflammatory seleno-organic compound ebselenin the absence of glutathione" 48 : 65-74, 1994
5 "Role ofglutathione in protection against noise-induced hearing loss" 784 : 82-90, 1998
6 "Protection from noise-induced lipidperoxidation and hair cell loss in the cochlea" 966 : 265-73, 2003
7 "Protection against peroxynitrite" 445 : 226-30, 1999
8 "Mechanisms of noise damage in the inner ear Effects ofNoise on Hearing" Raven Press 41-70, 1976
9 "Lipid peroxidationinhibitor attenuates noise-induced temporary thresholdshifts" 74 : 217-20, 1994
10 "Laser Doppler measurementsof cochlear blood flow during loud sound presentation" 247 : 84-8, 1990
11 "Intense noise inducesformation of vasoactive lipid peroxidation products in the cochlea" 878 : 163-73, 2000
12 "Free radicals in the guinea pig innerear following gentamicin exposure" 61 : 63-70, 1999
13 "Evidence that 4-hydroxynoneal mediates oxidative stress-inducedneuronal apoptosis" 17 : 5089-100, 1997
14 "Effect ofprotective agents against cisplatin ototoxicity" 21 : 513-20, 2000
15 "Ebselen-mediated protection fromsingle and repeated noise exposure in rat" 114 : 333-7, 2004
16 "Ebselen attenuates cochlear damage causedby acoustic trauma" 181 : 100-8, 2003
17 "Early elevation of cochlearreactive oxygen species following noise exposure" 4 : 229-36, 1999
18 "Delayed production offree radicals following noise exposure" 1019 : 201-9, 2004
19 "Attenuation of cochleardamage from noise trauma by an iron chelator a free radical scavengerand glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in vivo" 317-25, 1999
20 "Appearance of free radicals in the guinea pig inner ear after noiseinducedacoustic trauma" 252 : 504-8, 1995