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      소음으로 유발된 와우손상에서 Ebselen의 효과 = Effect of Ebselen on Noise Induced Cochlear Damage



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Background and Objectives:With the advancement of modern civilization and mechanical development of society, the prevalence of noise-induced hearing loss is increasing. There were some suggestions that noise-induced hearing loss may be reduced or prevented with antioxidant treatment. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of ebselen as a free radical scavenger or antioxidant in noise-induced cochlear damage. Materials and Method:Thirty male Sprague Dawley rats (250- 300 g) with normal auditory brainstem response (ABR) thresholds were exposed for 6 h to 115 dB SPL broad band noise. 10 mg/kg ebselen were injected intraperitoneally at 12 h before and 1h before noise exposure. After noise exposure, auditory brainstem response threshold shifts were evaluated. A study for iNOS and nitrotyrosine expressions in the cochlea was examined by immunohistochemical staining. Results:After the noise exposure, auditory brainstem responses indicated that ebselen treatment reduced threshold shifts significantly. The expression of iNOS and nitrotyrosine were observed in hair cells, supporting cells of the organ of Corti, stria vascularis and spiral ganglion. The expression of iNOS and nitrotyrosine were lower in the ebselen treated group than in the non-treated group. Conclusion:Ebselen protects cochlea from noise by playing a role as a scavenger of reactive free radicals.

      Background and Objectives:With the advancement of modern civilization and mechanical development of society, the prevalence of noise-induced hearing loss is increasing. There were some suggestions that noise-induced hearing loss may be reduced or pr...

      Background and Objectives:With the advancement of modern civilization and mechanical development of society, the prevalence of noise-induced hearing loss is increasing. There were some suggestions that noise-induced hearing loss may be reduced or prevented with antioxidant treatment. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of ebselen as a free radical scavenger or antioxidant in noise-induced cochlear damage. Materials and Method:Thirty male Sprague Dawley rats (250- 300 g) with normal auditory brainstem response (ABR) thresholds were exposed for 6 h to 115 dB SPL broad band noise. 10 mg/kg ebselen were injected intraperitoneally at 12 h before and 1h before noise exposure. After noise exposure, auditory brainstem response threshold shifts were evaluated. A study for iNOS and nitrotyrosine expressions in the cochlea was examined by immunohistochemical staining. Results:After the noise exposure, auditory brainstem responses indicated that ebselen treatment reduced threshold shifts significantly. The expression of iNOS and nitrotyrosine were observed in hair cells, supporting cells of the organ of Corti, stria vascularis and spiral ganglion. The expression of iNOS and nitrotyrosine were lower in the ebselen treated group than in the non-treated group. Conclusion:Ebselen protects cochlea from noise by playing a role as a scavenger of reactive free radicals.


      참고문헌 (Reference) 논문관계도

      1 "Use of organotypic cultures of Cortis organ to study the protectiveeffects of antioxidant molecules on cisplatin-induced damage of auditoryhair cells" 18 : 559-71, 1997

      2 "The protective effects ofallopurinol and superoxide dismutase on noise-induced cochlear damage" 109 : 1052-6, 1993

      3 "The electrochemical and fluorescencedetection of nitric oxide in the cochlea and its increase following loudsound" 164 : 49-58, 2002

      4 "Strong inhibition of mamamalianlipoxygenases by the antiinflammatory seleno-organic compound ebselenin the absence of glutathione" 48 : 65-74, 1994

      5 "Role ofglutathione in protection against noise-induced hearing loss" 784 : 82-90, 1998

      6 "Protection from noise-induced lipidperoxidation and hair cell loss in the cochlea" 966 : 265-73, 2003

      7 "Protection against peroxynitrite" 445 : 226-30, 1999

      8 "Mechanisms of noise damage in the inner ear Effects ofNoise on Hearing" Raven Press 41-70, 1976

      9 "Lipid peroxidationinhibitor attenuates noise-induced temporary thresholdshifts" 74 : 217-20, 1994

      10 "Laser Doppler measurementsof cochlear blood flow during loud sound presentation" 247 : 84-8, 1990

      1 "Use of organotypic cultures of Cortis organ to study the protectiveeffects of antioxidant molecules on cisplatin-induced damage of auditoryhair cells" 18 : 559-71, 1997

      2 "The protective effects ofallopurinol and superoxide dismutase on noise-induced cochlear damage" 109 : 1052-6, 1993

      3 "The electrochemical and fluorescencedetection of nitric oxide in the cochlea and its increase following loudsound" 164 : 49-58, 2002

      4 "Strong inhibition of mamamalianlipoxygenases by the antiinflammatory seleno-organic compound ebselenin the absence of glutathione" 48 : 65-74, 1994

      5 "Role ofglutathione in protection against noise-induced hearing loss" 784 : 82-90, 1998

      6 "Protection from noise-induced lipidperoxidation and hair cell loss in the cochlea" 966 : 265-73, 2003

      7 "Protection against peroxynitrite" 445 : 226-30, 1999

      8 "Mechanisms of noise damage in the inner ear Effects ofNoise on Hearing" Raven Press 41-70, 1976

      9 "Lipid peroxidationinhibitor attenuates noise-induced temporary thresholdshifts" 74 : 217-20, 1994

      10 "Laser Doppler measurementsof cochlear blood flow during loud sound presentation" 247 : 84-8, 1990

      11 "Intense noise inducesformation of vasoactive lipid peroxidation products in the cochlea" 878 : 163-73, 2000

      12 "Free radicals in the guinea pig innerear following gentamicin exposure" 61 : 63-70, 1999

      13 "Evidence that 4-hydroxynoneal mediates oxidative stress-inducedneuronal apoptosis" 17 : 5089-100, 1997

      14 "Effect ofprotective agents against cisplatin ototoxicity" 21 : 513-20, 2000

      15 "Ebselen-mediated protection fromsingle and repeated noise exposure in rat" 114 : 333-7, 2004

      16 "Ebselen attenuates cochlear damage causedby acoustic trauma" 181 : 100-8, 2003

      17 "Early elevation of cochlearreactive oxygen species following noise exposure" 4 : 229-36, 1999

      18 "Delayed production offree radicals following noise exposure" 1019 : 201-9, 2004

      19 "Attenuation of cochleardamage from noise trauma by an iron chelator a free radical scavengerand glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in vivo" 317-25, 1999

      20 "Appearance of free radicals in the guinea pig inner ear after noiseinducedacoustic trauma" 252 : 504-8, 1995















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