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      Calculating Soil Quality Index for Biomass Production Based on Soil Chemical Properties = Calculating Soil Quality Index for Biomass Production Based on Soil Chemical Properties Soil Chemical Properties



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Soil quality has been regarded as an important factor for maintaining sustainability of ecosystem. Main purpose ofthis research was i) to select minimum factor for predicting biomass, and ii) to calculate soil quality index forbiomass according to soi...

      Soil quality has been regarded as an important factor for maintaining sustainability of ecosystem. Main purpose ofthis research was i) to select minimum factor for predicting biomass, and ii) to calculate soil quality index forbiomass according to soil chemical properties. Result showed that soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), soilorganic matter (SOM), cation exchange capacity (CEC), and available phosphorus are minimum data set forcalculating biomass production in soil. Selected representative soil chemical properties were evaluated for soilquality index and rated from 1 to 5 (1 is the best for biomass production). Percentage of each grade in terms ofbiomass production in national wide was 14.52, 35.23, 33.03, 6.47, 10.75% respectively. Although, only soilchemical properties were evaluated for calculating optimum soil quality, result of this research can be useful tounderstand basic protocol of soil quality assessment in national wide.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 윤정희, "토양의 질 지표 개발 동향과 논의" 한국토양비료학회 37 (37): 192-198, 2004

      2 Glover, J. D., "Systematic method for rating soil quality of conventional, organic, and integrated apple orchards in Washington State" 29-45, 2000

      3 Monokrousos, N., "Soil quality variables in organically and conventionally cultivated field sites" 38 : 1282-1289, 2006

      4 Warkentin, B.P., "Soil quality for intensive agriculture" Natl. Inst. of Agric. Sci. 594-598, 1997

      5 Wander M.R., "Soil quality assessment of tillage impacts of Illinois" 63 : 961-971, 1999

      6 NIAST, "Methods of soil chemical analysis"

      7 Poggio L., "Introducing a method of human health risk evaluation for planning and soil quality management of heavy metal-polluted soils-An example from Grugliasco(Italy)" 88 : 64-72, 2008

      8 Karlen, D.L, "Defining soil quality for a sustainable environment" SSSA 53-72, 1994

      9 Brooks, P. C., "Chloroform fumigation and the release of soil nitrogen: a rapid direct extracting method to measure microbial biomass nitrogen in soil" 17 : 837-842, 1985

      10 Mora, A. P., "Changes in enzyme activities and microbial biomass after “in situ” remediation of a heavy metal-contaminated soil" 28 : 125-137, 2005

      1 윤정희, "토양의 질 지표 개발 동향과 논의" 한국토양비료학회 37 (37): 192-198, 2004

      2 Glover, J. D., "Systematic method for rating soil quality of conventional, organic, and integrated apple orchards in Washington State" 29-45, 2000

      3 Monokrousos, N., "Soil quality variables in organically and conventionally cultivated field sites" 38 : 1282-1289, 2006

      4 Warkentin, B.P., "Soil quality for intensive agriculture" Natl. Inst. of Agric. Sci. 594-598, 1997

      5 Wander M.R., "Soil quality assessment of tillage impacts of Illinois" 63 : 961-971, 1999

      6 NIAST, "Methods of soil chemical analysis"

      7 Poggio L., "Introducing a method of human health risk evaluation for planning and soil quality management of heavy metal-polluted soils-An example from Grugliasco(Italy)" 88 : 64-72, 2008

      8 Karlen, D.L, "Defining soil quality for a sustainable environment" SSSA 53-72, 1994

      9 Brooks, P. C., "Chloroform fumigation and the release of soil nitrogen: a rapid direct extracting method to measure microbial biomass nitrogen in soil" 17 : 837-842, 1985

      10 Mora, A. P., "Changes in enzyme activities and microbial biomass after “in situ” remediation of a heavy metal-contaminated soil" 28 : 125-137, 2005

      11 Li, W. X., "A comparative analysis of environmental quality assessment methods for heavy metal-contaminated soils" 18 : 344-352, 2008















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