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      공주교육대학교의 역사와 교육도시 공주의 이미지 형성



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The purpose of this study is to clarify the history of Gongju National University of Education from its origin to the early 1970s. The reason why Gongju National University of Education was chosen was because of its unique status. The school was reorg...

      The purpose of this study is to clarify the history of Gongju National University of Education from its origin to the early 1970s. The reason why Gongju National University of Education was chosen was because of its unique status. The school was reorganized into Gongju National University following the context of Gongju Women's Normal School in Japanese colonial period and Gongju Normal School after liberation. The transition of this school served as a regional or periodical significance in two ways. First, it is the consistent purpose of fostering elementary school teachers. The name and system of the school have changed several times, but the purpose of fostering elementary school teachers has remained unchanged from its origin to the present. Therefore, it can be said that the history of this school is directly related to the history of fostering elementary school teachers in Korea. The following is the link between the school and the community. Gongju Women's Normal School was established as an alternative to overcome the economic crisis in the region caused by the relocation of Chungcheongnam-do. Local residents attempted to urbanize education as a way to overcome the identity of the administrative city lost due to the relocation of the provincial government. The community continued to campaign for the attraction and establishment of the school, making it an important asset of their city, and the school communicated with the community through high-quality human resources and direct and indirect economic feasibility.
      In Chapter II, Gongju Women's Normal School was the result of the residents' strong campaign to attract schools using the Joseon Governor-General's policy to expand the teacher's school. The goal of fostering female teachers by the Governor-General of the Joseon Dynasty was to emphasize "Home Economics" and meet the "for war preparations" with diligence and thrift within the family. In addition, practical subjects and Physical education subjects were strengthened in line with the war preparations system. In order to strengthen such a curriculum, a life guidance center was built and the dormitory system was adhered to. Gongju Women’s Normal School teacher education had a strong state-led nature and received full economic and administrative support from the Joseon Governor-General. The school was seen by local residents as a reward for the relocation of the Chungcheongnam-do Provincial Government. Residents organized an established association to attract government-run teachers' schools and even raised a large donation of 100,000 won from the local residents. In other words, the Japanese colonial government used the wishes of local residents to extract the expenses necessary for the establishment of the teacher school and the construction of the teacher. However, it has an important regional historical meaning in that it is an important image symbolizing Gongju, an educational city of Gongju Women's Normal School during this period.
      Chapter III, After Korea's liberation from Japanese colonial rule, Japanese-style education was conducted by the U.S. military government without being liquidated. Naturally, Gongju's training of teachers was difficult and revealed her limitations. In order to overcome this, Gongju Women's Normal School and the local residents asked for the establishment of a Kongju Normal College, more actively to save the region. In order to establish the Kongju Normal College, the Gongju Women's Normal School not only gave away the School building, but also used human resources, the faculty. The three departments opened at the time of the establishment of Kongju Normal College, they were Korean literature, Mathematics, and Home Economics. In order to emphasize the subject of the "Home Economics," Gongju Women's Normal School was equipped with school buildings and teachers related to Home Economics, including life guides. By utilizing this, Kongju Normal College was able to be established by conducting a campaign to persuade the authorities that it was possible to establish a teacher's college at a low cost. After liberation, there was a widespread perception among local residents that Gongju needed to develop into an educational city.
      In Chapter IV, the transformation and reorganization of Gongju Normal School from 1951 to 1962 were intensively reviewed and discussed. As the elite-centered women's Normal school changed to a coeducational system, it had a very positive effect on the community. The reorganization of the coeducational system during the Korean War guaranteed military service benefits for male students and employment after graduation. Many male students in the area who were able to obtain such information quickly entered Gongju Normal School. The fact that 57.4% of Gongju Normal School graduates in 1954 are from Gongju proves this. With the existence of Gongju Normal School, small forms of commerce for schools and students along with boarding have developed in the community. This landscape of the Gongju area clearly revealed its distinctiveness from other regions and made it unique as the 'local color of Gongju'. A structure has been established in which the community benefits economically through the Gongju Normal School. This fact means that Gongju Normal School has been 'localized' by strengthening its identity as 'Gongju’s School' rather than simply a school in the region.
      In Chapter IV, the Gongju College of Education started uneasily. At that time, the symbolism of the teacher changed due to the lack of appointment and low treatment of elementary school teachers. This fact also had a negative impact on the community. Most of the students are children of rural families, and Gongju College of Education students who will become teachers in rural areas after graduation have been given the role of enlightenment and mental reform in rural areas to revive the rural economy. By government authorities and schools, students had limited club activities and were actively mobilized for volunteer work in rural areas. The rural volunteer work of shift students was intertwined with the interests of the local community and the school. Previously, the profits gained by the local community through schools changed more actively from passive methods such as Boarding house and Small consumption activities to Volunteer activities in rural areas and the mobilization of students without pay.
      First, the conclusion of this study was to examine the meaning of school history itself. In the future, it is necessary to pay attention to the relationship with the local community by using an academic approach. Second, the meaning of local history of school history was considered. In particular, Gongju is an "educational city," and it can be seen that the impact on the local community was significant due to the periodical transition of the Gongju shift, the Japanese colonial period. If the community was cut off from the government-run Gongju Women's Normal School, the teacher's school after liberation interacted with the community and changed to 'localization of schools'. Third, the meaning of school history in educational history was considered. It can be said that the periodical changes and educational policies of Gongju National University of Education were significant as a way to check in detail how they were being realized at the school site when the Ministry of Education announced its policy. Fourth, the student life culture, student culture, youth culture, or teacher culture for each period were examined by period by reflecting the awareness of problems such as life culture history. As a result, it was found in detail that Gongju Women's Normal School and Gongju Normal School, the roots of Gongju National University of Education, were not established independently, but were obtained through strong aspirations and establishment movements of local residents, and sometimes "fighting" of sacrificial fundraising and cost investment. Other schools may be the case, but especially in the case of Gongju National University of Education, the school and the community have been able to maintain their reputation and reputation for a long time as they interact like this. Gongju area is a city that is recognized externally as an "educational city." The strongest background and foundation that forms the basis is the existence of a teacher training institution. Gongju National University of Education should be considered to have formed a deep bond with the local community as a university that performs a consistent purpose of fostering elementary school teachers. Therefore, the history of this Gongju shift cannot be considered entirely as that of Gongju shift. Some of the history can be regarded as for local residents.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 목 차
      • Ⅰ. 서론
      • 1. 연구의 목적
      • 2. 선행연구의 검토
      • 목 차
      • Ⅰ. 서론
      • 1. 연구의 목적
      • 2. 선행연구의 검토
      • 3. 연구의 방법
      • Ⅱ. 일제하 공주여자사범학교의 설립과 공주의 교육도시화 시도
      • 1. 일제하 공주여자사범학교 설립 배경과 지역사회
      • 1) 초등교원 양성정책과 여성교원 양성론의 대두
      • 2) 지역사회의 ‘관립사범학교’ 유치와 공주여자사범학교 설립
      • 2. 공주여자사범학교 학사 운영의 성격
      • 1) 여성교원 교육과정의 특징과 가사 교육의 강조
      • 2) 입학전형과 입학생의 출신지별 특징
      • 3) 전국적 학생 모집과 일본인의 공주 유학
      • 3. 공주여자사범학교를 통한 교육도시 형성의 한계
      • 1) 지역사회의 교육도시 공주 이미지 형성시도
      • 2) 기숙사 제도로 인한 지역사회와의 단절
      • 4. 소결
      • Ⅲ. 해방 후 공주여자사범학교의 개편과 공주사범대학 설립의 의미
      • 1. 해방 직후 공주여자사범학교 운영의 파행
      • 1) 해방 후 미군정의 교원양성 정책
      • 2) 학생과 교원의 감소로 인한 학교 운영의 한계
      • 2. 지역사회의 공주사범대학 유치와 공주여자사범학교의 역할
      • 1) 지역사회의 공주사범대학 유치활동과 교육도시 이미지 강화
      • 2) 공주여자사범학교의 공주사범대학 정착을 위한 상호협조
      • 3. 한국전쟁기 공주여자사범학교의 피해와 학사 운영의 영향
      • 4. 소결
      • Ⅳ. 공주사범학교로의 개편과 학사 운영의 변화
      • 1. 남녀공학 중심 공주사범학교의 출범과 학교 위상의 변화
      • 1) 학생 수 감소로 인한 남녀공학으로의 전환
      • 2) 전국 단위에서 공주 지역 학교로의 변화
      • 3) 농촌 중심의 입학생과 초등교원의 위상
      • 2. 공주사범학교의 교육과정의 문제와 학교생활의 특징
      • 1) 교육과정의 한계와 학사운영의 문제점
      • 2) 하숙중심의 학교생활과 지역사회와의 밀착
      • 3. 사범학교에서 교육대학으로의 변화
      • 1) 사범학교와 지역사회의 ‘교육대학 승격’을 위한 노력
      • 2) 사범학교와 교육대학 공존 기간의 갈등
      • 4. 소결
      • Ⅴ. 공주교육대학의 성장과 교육도시 이미지의 정착
      • 1. 2년제 공주교육대학의 불안한 출발과 지역사회의 고민
      • 1) 초등교원의 인기하락과 지위의 하락
      • 2) 교육도시 이미지의 한계와 지역사회의 모색
      • 2. 공주교육대학의 학사 운영과 학생 활동의 의미
      • 1) 교육과정의 성격과 체육‧실업 교육의 강화
      • 2) 학생활동을 통한 지역사회와의 연계 강화
      • 3. 공주교육대학 확대 개편과 교육도시 이미지 형성
      • 1) 초등교원의 정치사회적 역할 강화
      • 2) 공주교대의 안정화와 규모의 확대
      • 3) 공주교육대학의 재도약과 교육도시 이미지 강화
      • 4. 소결
      • Ⅵ. 결론

      참고문헌 (Reference) 논문관계도

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