Korea has been enacting and implementing the first independent refugee law in Asia since July 2013, but it is still criticized for its low refugee recognition rate, lack of expertise in refugee screening and insufficient protection for refugee human r...
Korea has been enacting and implementing the first independent refugee law in Asia since July 2013, but it is still criticized for its low refugee recognition rate, lack of expertise in refugee screening and insufficient protection for refugee human rights.
This year marks the fifth anniversary of the implementation of the Refugee Act, and it is necessary to analyze the problems revealed in the operation of the system and present the direction of the refugee policy and reflect it in the revision of the Refugee Act. There are two main directions for the revision of the Refugee Act.
The first is the improvement of the refugee screening process. In accordance with the Refugee Convention, it is necessary to strictly enforce the principle of non-refundation, such as the operation of the referee review system as a function of preliminary screening, and the application of apparently no reason, as a preliminary screening function to settle the immigration application system. In addition, it is imperative to establish a refugee tribunal that has expanded and strengthened the function of the refugee committee, which is the current objection agency through securing private experts.
The second is to guarantee minimum rights and interests through improving treatment of refugees.