This study is to expose the effect on the satisfaction on middle school students' school life by the ability of physical education teacher that has significant importance and to examine the satisfaction of school life according to characteristics of i...
This study is to expose the effect on the satisfaction on middle school students' school life by the ability of physical education teacher that has significant importance and to examine the satisfaction of school life according to characteristics of individual middle school students in order to provide fundamental data to realize decent purpose of school physical education. In order to conduct a study about the effect on the satisfaction on middle school students' school life by the form that the physical education teacher takes, we surveyed middle school students inhabiting Kyung-gi. Selection of object was done by random sampling process and provided 720 questionnaires analyzing 681 questionnaires from four middle schools. Collected available sample data was encoded according to cording guide. Encoded data was individually typed on the computer and went through SPSS(Statistical Package for the Social Science) Version 12.0 computation treatment by the purpose of analysis. Used Analysis technique for data analysis, first of all, is operating frequency analysis and percentage to understand general quality of recipient of this study, second, is operating t-test and one-way ANOVA in order to acknowledge the difference of guidance technique by population statistics special alteration cause. Third, operation of t-test and one-way ANOVA was done in order to acknowledge the difference of satisfaction on school life by population statistics special alteration cause. Fourth, operation of multiple regression analysis was done to acknowledge the effect on the satisfaction on middle school student's school life by the form that the physical education teacher takes. The thorough result of analysis on the effect on the satisfaction on middle school students' school life by the form that the physical education teacher takes following stated study methods and processes are following.
First, The form of teaching that physical education teachers take by population statistics special alteration cause.
1) The form that the physical education teacher takes in sex, there was a difference which considers statistically from affirmative compensation style and the prerequisite teaching style
2) The form that the physical education teacher takes follows in grade there was a difference which considers statistically from democratic conduct style, affirmative compensation style, the prerequisite teaching style and social support conduct style.
3) The form that the physical education teacher takes follows in father's educational background there was a difference which considers statistically from democratic conduct style, affirmative compensation style, the prerequisite map style and social support conduct.
4) The form that the physical education teacher takes follows in mother's educational background there was a difference which considers statistically from the prerequisite map style.
5) There was a difference where from the form that the physical education teacher takes follows on family income level considers statistically from affirmative compensation style, the prerequisite map style and social support conduct style.
Second, in the school life satisfaction by population statistics special alteration cause.
1) The school life satisfaction which follows in sex, there was a difference which considers statistically from school satisfaction and environmental satisfaction
2) The school life satisfaction which follows in grade, there was a difference which considers statistically from school satisfaction, class satisfaction, teacher satisfaction and environmental satisfaction.
3) The school life satisfaction which follows in father's educational background, there was difference which considers statistically from class satisfaction and teacher satisfaction
4)The school life satisfaction which follows in mother's educational background, there was difference which considers statistically from class satisfaction
5) The school life satisfaction which follows in family income level, there was difference which considers statistically from class satisfaction, student satisfaction and environmental satisfaction.
Third, effect on the satisfaction on middle school student's school life by the form that the physical education teacher takes,
1) The effect of the form that the physical education teacher takes on school satisfaction affects statistically prerequisite teaching style.
2) The effect of the form that the physical education teacher takes on class satisfaction affects statistically prerequisite teaching style and social support conduct.
3) The effect of the form that the physical education teacher takes on teacher satisfaction affects statistically prerequisite teaching style and social support conduct.
4) The effect of the form that the physical education teacher takes on student satisfaction affects statistically affirmative compensation style, prerequisite teaching style and social support conduct.
5) The effect of the form that the physical education teacher takes on environmental satisfaction affects statistically social support conduct.
6) The effect of the form that the physical education teacher takes on event satisfaction doesn't affects statistically.