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      동유럽의 포퓰리즘 = Populism in Eastern Europe



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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      동유럽 국가들은 자유민주주의와 자본주의로 성공적 체제전환을 해온 것으로 평가되어 왔다. 유럽연합(EU)가입조건을 충족시켜 회원국이 된 것은 그 증거였다. 그러나 내부적으로 민주주의...

      동유럽 국가들은 자유민주주의와 자본주의로 성공적 체제전환을 해온 것으로 평가되어 왔다. 유럽연합(EU)가입조건을 충족시켜 회원국이 된 것은 그 증거였다. 그러나 내부적으로 민주주의와 자본주의에 대한 지지도가 급속히 떨어지고 있다. 이 빈 공간을 잠식해 들어간 포퓰리즘이 동유럽 정치과정의 주요 현안으로 떠오르고 있다. 동유럽에서는 포퓰리즘 전략으로 집권한 정당도 다수 나왔다. 동유럽의 포퓰리즘이 체제전환 과정의 피로 누적에 따른 일시적 현상인지 아니면 극단주의가 지배한 2차 대전 이전 극우민족주의와 같은 극단주의로의 출발점인지에 대한 논란도 있다. 이 논문에서는 불가리아, 헝가리, 폴란드와 슬로바키아 4국에서 집권한 포퓰리즘 정당의 정치과정을 고찰함으로써 동유럽 포퓰리즘의 개념과 특성을 규명했다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The fall of communist system in Eastern Europe was the starting point of the change for liberal democracy and capitalism. Many Eastern Europeans believed the course would be completed by being member of European Union. Some Eastern European countries...

      The fall of communist system in Eastern Europe was the starting point of the change for liberal democracy and capitalism. Many Eastern Europeans believed the course would be completed by being member of European Union.
      Some Eastern European countries had successfully completed the adjustment process to the requirements of EU membership. However the new EU member countries has experienced the rapid growth of populism. The most important concept of populism lies in the emphasis of the common people. This made the people that they are justice and the elites or politicians are synonymous with moral evil or corruption. Populism tends to deteriorate the quality of liberal democracy. This paper provides an analysis of the success of populism of New EU Member states of Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. These Parties with strong populist inclinations took reins the government. For the moment, close monitoring should be needed. In the long run, EU may work as a constraint on the populism in Eastern Europe.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 1. 들어가는 말
      • 2. 동유럽 포퓰리즘의 특성과 환경
      • 2.1. 포퓰리즘의 개념
      • 2.2. 서유럽과 동유럽의 포퓰리즘
      • 2.3. 동유럽 포퓰리즘의 환경: 정치적 정향
      • 1. 들어가는 말
      • 2. 동유럽 포퓰리즘의 특성과 환경
      • 2.1. 포퓰리즘의 개념
      • 2.2. 서유럽과 동유럽의 포퓰리즘
      • 2.3. 동유럽 포퓰리즘의 환경: 정치적 정향
      • 3. 동유럽 4국의 포퓰리즘을 통한 집권사례
      • 3.1. 불가리아
      • 3.2. 헝가리
      • 3.3. 폴란드
      • 3.4. 슬로바키아
      • 4. 맺는 말

      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 Nesporova, Alena, "Why Unemployment Remains So High in Central and Eastern Europe" Geneva: International Labour Office 2002

      2 Gallup International, "Voice of the People 2005: Trends in Democracy-Global Summary" Gallup 2005

      3 Deegan-Krause, Kevin, "Toward a More Useful Conceptualization of Populism: Types and Degrees of Populist Appeals in the Case of Slovakia" 37 (37): 821-841, 2009

      4 Berlin, Isaiah, "To Define Populism" 3 (3): 137-180, 1968

      5 Jasiewicz, Krzysztof, "The New Populism in Poland: The Usual Suspects?" 55 (55): 7-25, 2008

      6 Betz, Hans-Georg, "The New Politics of Resentment: Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties in Western Europe" 25 (25): 413-427, 1993

      7 Tismaneanu, Vladimir, "The Donald W. Treadgold Papers in Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies. The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies" The University of Washington 1999

      8 Rezler, Paulina, "The Copenhagen Criteria: Are They Helping or Hurting the European Union?" 14 (14): 390-392, 2011

      9 Eurobarometer Opinion Poll, "Racism and Xenophobia in Europe" 1997

      10 Smilov, Daniel, "Populist Politics and Liberal Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe" Institute for Public Affairs 2008

      1 Nesporova, Alena, "Why Unemployment Remains So High in Central and Eastern Europe" Geneva: International Labour Office 2002

      2 Gallup International, "Voice of the People 2005: Trends in Democracy-Global Summary" Gallup 2005

      3 Deegan-Krause, Kevin, "Toward a More Useful Conceptualization of Populism: Types and Degrees of Populist Appeals in the Case of Slovakia" 37 (37): 821-841, 2009

      4 Berlin, Isaiah, "To Define Populism" 3 (3): 137-180, 1968

      5 Jasiewicz, Krzysztof, "The New Populism in Poland: The Usual Suspects?" 55 (55): 7-25, 2008

      6 Betz, Hans-Georg, "The New Politics of Resentment: Radical Right-Wing Populist Parties in Western Europe" 25 (25): 413-427, 1993

      7 Tismaneanu, Vladimir, "The Donald W. Treadgold Papers in Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies. The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies" The University of Washington 1999

      8 Rezler, Paulina, "The Copenhagen Criteria: Are They Helping or Hurting the European Union?" 14 (14): 390-392, 2011

      9 Eurobarometer Opinion Poll, "Racism and Xenophobia in Europe" 1997

      10 Smilov, Daniel, "Populist Politics and Liberal Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe" Institute for Public Affairs 2008

      11 Rupnik, Jacques, "Populism in East Central Europe"

      12 Pogonyi, Szabolcs, "Populism in Central and Eastern Europe: Challenge for the Future?" Heinrich Böll Stiftung 2002

      13 Canovan, Margaret, "Populism" Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1981

      14 PEW Global, "PEW Global (2009) “End of Communism Cheered but Now with More Reservations: The Pulse of Europe 2009: 20 Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall" 2009

      15 Meseznikov, Grigorij, "National Populism in Slovakia" Institute for Public Affairs 2008

      16 Just, Petr, "Language Problems as the Conflict Issues of Slovak- Hungarian Relations" 01 : 27-34, 2007

      17 Langenbacher, Nora, "Is Europe on the Right Path? : Right-Wing Extremism and Right-Wing Populism in Europe" Friedrich Ebert Stiftung 2011

      18 Rupnik, Jacques, "Is East-Central Europe Backsliding? From Democracy Fatigue to Populist Backlash" 18 (18): 17-25, 2007

      19 Yigel Schleifer, "Hungary at the Turning Point"

      20 Archick, Kristin, "European Union Enlargement. Congressional Research Service" Library of Congress 2014

      21 Nohlen, Dieter, "Elections in Europe : A Data Handbook" Nomos 2010

      22 Van Kessel, Stijn, "Different Faces, Same Logic: Explaining the Electoral Performance of Populist Parties in the Netherlands and Poland"

      23 Gherghina, Sergiu, "Contemporary Populism: A Controversial Concept and Its Diverse Forms" Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2013

      24 Howard, Marc M., "Can Populism be suppressed in democracy? Austria, Germany, and the European Union" 15 (15): 18-32, 2012

      25 Cholova, Blagovesta, "Anti-Establishment Reform Parties in Bulgaria : A Decade of Dominant Populist Rhetoric" 2013

      26 Ibroscheva, Elza, "A Different Kind of Massive Attack: How the Bulgarian Ultra-Nationalist Party Ataka Engineered its Political Success Using Electronic Media" 6 (6): 51-66, 2013


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