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      마쓰오카 요스케(松岡洋右) 외무대신의 전시(戰時) 외교 전략 - 대미 정책을 중심으로 - = Foreign Minister Yosuke Matsuoka's Wartime Diplomacy Strategy : Focusing on U.S. Policy



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      국문 초록 (Abstract)

      1940년 7월부터 1941년 7월까지 제2차 고노에 후미마로(近衛文麿) 내각의 외무대신으로 재직한 마쓰오카 요스케(松岡洋右)의 외교 정책은 일찍부터 주목받아 왔다. 그것은 그가 재직하는 기간 ...

      1940년 7월부터 1941년 7월까지 제2차 고노에 후미마로(近衛文麿) 내각의 외무대신으로 재직한 마쓰오카 요스케(松岡洋右)의 외교 정책은 일찍부터 주목받아 왔다. 그것은 그가 재직하는 기간 동안, 일독이(日獨伊) 삼국 동맹 조약과 소련과의 중립 조약이 체결되고, 미국과 미일 교섭이 진행되는 등 태평양 전쟁이 발발하기 직전 단계에서 중요한 외교 정책이 추진되었기 때문이었다.
      마쓰오카의 외교 정책에 대한 일반적인 평가는, 제2차 세계 대전이 격화되어 가는 가운데, 삼국 동맹 조약과 일소 중립 조약의 체결을 통해 일본-소련-독일-이탈리아의 4국이 제휴 관계를 맺고, 이를 바탕으로 대미 협상에 나선다고 하는 이른바 4국 협상의 구상을 그가 지니고 있었다는 점이 강조되었다. 그러나 이 같은 견해는 주로 전후 마쓰오카 자신과 그 측근들이 남긴 증언에 의거한 것이기 때문에, 실제 마쓰오카가 그러한 구상을 지니고 대미 외교 정책을 폈는지에 대해서는 그가 취한 구체적인 정책 결정을 검토해볼 필요가 있다. 마쓰오카는 독소 관계가 파국을 맞이할 것이라는 점을 충분히 알고 있었고, 그의 대미 정책은 반드시 대화에만 집중하는 것도 아니었다는 점을 생각할 때, 마쓰오카에게 있어서 4국 협상의 구상이 어떠한 의미를 지니고 있었는지를 재검토할 필요성은 더욱 높아진다.
      이에 따라 본 발표에서는 일본이 중일 전쟁을 수행하고 있고, 유럽에서 제2차 세계대전이 진행 중인 상황에서 마쓰오카가 어떠한 외교 전략을 지니고 있었는지를 살펴보고, 그러한 관점에서 그의 대미 외교 정책이 어떠한 성격을 지니고 있었는지를 고찰할 것이다. 이를 위해 먼저 삼국 동맹 조약과 일소 중립 조약을 추진하는 과정에서 마쓰오카가 유지했던 외교 전략을 검토할 것이다.


      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The foreign policy of Yosuke Matsuoka, who was in office as Foreign Minister of the Second Konoe Cabinet from July 1940 to July 1941, has been attracting attention. Because during his tenure, the Japan-Germany-Italy Tripartite Pact and the Soviet-Japa...

      The foreign policy of Yosuke Matsuoka, who was in office as Foreign Minister of the Second Konoe Cabinet from July 1940 to July 1941, has been attracting attention. Because during his tenure, the Japan-Germany-Italy Tripartite Pact and the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Treaty were signed, and Japan-US negotiations with the United States were promoted.
      Matsuoka's general evaluation of foreign policy is based on the fact that the four countries of Japan, the Soviet Union, Germany and Italy formed a partnership through the conclusion of the Tripartite Pact and the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Treaty amid the intensification of World War II. Many historians emphasized that he had the so-called Shikoku Kyosho (4 powers partnership) concept of engaging in negotiations with the United States. However, such a view is mainly based on the testimony left by Matsuoka himself and his aides after the war, and in fact, whether Matsuoka had the idea of Shikoku Kyosho (4 powers partnership) at the time of his tenure and implemented the policy toward the United States accordingly. Need to consider the specific policy decisions he made. Matsuoka is fully aware of the potential for catastrophic German-Soviet relations, and given that his policy toward the United States did not necessarily focus on dialogue with the United States, there is an increasing need to reconsider what Matsuoka's vision for Shikoku Kyosho was.
      Therefore, in this paper, I examine what kind of wartime foreign policy Matsuoka had under the circumstances where Japan was engaged in the Sino-Japanese War and World War II was underway in Europe, considering what it has to do with his foreign policy towards the United States. For this reason, I will first consider the diplomatic strategy that Matsuoka maintained in the process of promoting the Tripartite Pact and the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Treaty. Matsuoka has an attitude of restraining the United States' support for Britain through the Tripartite Pact, creating an environment favorable to Germany through this, and taking advantage of Germany's victory after the war to expand Japan's dominance in East Asia. At the same time, he sought to restore the deteriorated relationship with the Soviet Union and thereby eliminate Japan's strategic dangers.
      Next, I will examine Matsuoka's policy toward the United States. He has shown his willingness to use the Tripartite Pact to minimize US support for Britain and participation in World War II. At the same time, he had an attitude of demanding American concessions to solve the Sino-Japanese War problem. His policy was understood by US government officials as a tough attitude, and as a result, it acted to worsen US-Japan relations.
      Finally, I will focus on the relationship between Matsuoka and the Japanese military, especially the Army. At that time, the Japanese Army was hoping for an armed advance into Southeast Asia. However, Matsuoka maintained an attitude against the use of force against the South, consistently that such actions could stimulate the United States. Such a policy is an example of Matsuoka's efforts to prevent the situation from worsening relations with the United States more than necessary and expanding into a head-on collision between Japan and the United States.
      Summarizing the above, we can understand Matsuoka's policy toward the United States as follows. With Japan facing the serious challenge of solving the Sino-Japanese War problem, and the world-historical event of World War II, Matsuoka supported Germany's victory. He had a wartime diplomatic strategy to establish Japan's dominance in East Asia through Germany's victory. Matsuoka prefered to take time until the end of the war in Europe and guide the outcome of the war to develop in Japan's favor, to a direct military actiontoward southward in the situation of world war. Therefore, it can be understood in connection with his wartime diplomatic strategy that Matsuoka consistently opposed the Army's rapid military action toward Southeast Asia for it has possibility of a collision with the United States. However, his attitude to restrain US actions to help Germany win the war resulted in worsening US-Japan relations and failure to prevent their aid to the United Kingdom.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 井口武夫, "開戦神話 対米通告はなぜ遅れたのか" 中央公論新社 2008

      3 日本国会図書館憲政資料室所, "近衛文麿関係文書"

      4 木畑洋一, "第二次世界大戦: 現代世界への転換点" 吉川弘文館 2001

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      1 Michael A. Barnhart, "일본의 총력전 : 1919~1941년 경제 안보의 추구" 한국학중앙연구원출판부 2016

      2 井口武夫, "開戦神話 対米通告はなぜ遅れたのか" 中央公論新社 2008

      3 日本国会図書館憲政資料室所, "近衛文麿関係文書"

      4 木畑洋一, "第二次世界大戦: 現代世界への転換点" 吉川弘文館 2001

      5 池田十吾, "石井・ランシング協定をめぐる日米交渉" 近代文藝社 1994

      6 加瀬俊一, "知られざる松岡洋右"

      7 田中新一, "田中作戦部長の証言 大戦突入の真相" 芙蓉書房 1987

      8 中村隆英, "現代史資料43 国家総動員1" みすず書房 1970

      9 実松譲ほか, "現代史資料35 太平洋戦争2" みすず書房 1969

      10 "法廷証第三六五五号: 宣誓供述書/ 東條英機"

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      26 三輪宗弘, "日独伊三国同盟締結時における, 日独伊ソ構想への疑問 松岡構想説への疑問" 25 (25): 1992

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      29 Edward S. Miller, "日本経済を殲滅せよ" 新潮社 2010

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      42 吉沢南, "戦争拡大の構図" 青木書店 1986

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      45 荒川憲一, "対日全面禁輸決定の構造" (72) : 1996

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      50 ワルド, "太平洋戦争" 東京大学出版会 1993

      51 加藤陽子, "天皇と軍隊の近代史" 勁草書房 2019

      52 塩崎弘明, "井川忠雄日米交渉史料" 山川出版社 1982

      53 三宅正樹, "ヒトラーと第二次世界大戦" 清水書院 2017

      54 "「日独伊同盟条約関係一件 第二巻 分割三」 JACAR(アジア歴史資料センター) Ref.B04013490400, 日独伊同盟条約関係一件 第二巻(B-1-0-0-J/X3_002)"

      55 "「対仏印、泰施策要綱 大本営政府連絡会議決定 昭和16年1月30日」 JACAR(アジア歴史資料センター)Ref.C12120201400、対仏印泰施策要綱 連絡会議議事録 昭和16年1月 30日"

      56 "「南方施策促進に関する件 昭和16年6月25日」 JACAR (アジア歴史資料センター) Ref. C 12120202400, 南方施策促進に関する件 連絡会議議事録 昭和16年6月25日"

      57 "「二月三日第八回連絡懇談会松岡提案の対独伊蘇交渉案要綱の件/(昭和一六年二月三日) 対独、伊、蘇交渉案要綱」JACAR(アジア歴史資料センター)Ref.C12120246800, 大本営政府連絡会議議事録 其一 昭和一五年一一月二八日~一六年七月二九日"

      58 Jonathan Utley, "Upstairs, Downstairs at Foggy Bottom Oil Exports and Japan 1940-41" 8 (8): 1976

      59 Waldo Heinrichs, "Threshold of war, Franklin D. Roosevelt and American entry into World War II" Oxford University Press 1988

      60 Cordell Hull, "The memoirs of Cordell Hull vol.2" Macmillan 1948

      61 Irvine H. Anderson, Jr, "The Standard Vacuum Oil Company and United States East Asian Policy 1933-1941" Princeton University Press 1975

      62 J. Chal Vinson, "The Annulment of the Lansing Ishii Agreement" 27 (27): 1958

      63 Irvine H. Anderson, Jr, "The 1941 De Facto Embargo on Oil to Japan, A Bureaucratic Reflex" 44 (44): 1975

      64 Jonathan G. Utley, "Going to war with Japan 1937-1941" University of Tennessee Press 1985

      65 U.S. State Department, "Foreign Relations of the United States"

      66 Steven T. Ross, "American War Plans 4, Coalition War Plans and Hemispheric Defense Plans 1940-1941" Garland Publishing 1992


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