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      기업조직재편제도에 관한 비교법적 연구- 미국법제를 중심으로 - = Comparative Study on Corporate Reorganization- focus on the U.S. and Korean legal systems -

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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      A merger in the U.S. Corporate law is a transaction whereby two or more corporations are combined into one of the corporations, referred to as the surviving corporation. When the merger is effected, the legal existence of all constituent corporations,...

      A merger in the U.S. Corporate law is a transaction whereby two or more corporations are combined into one of the corporations, referred to as the surviving corporation. When the merger is effected, the legal existence of all constituent corporations, other than the surviving corporation, ceases. By operation of law, the surviving corporation assumes the assets and liabilities of both constituent corporations, and the outstanding shares of stock in the disappearing corporations are canceled. Shareholders of the disappearing company receive shares of the surviving corporation in exchange for their disappearing shares. However, the consideration may be cash or other securities as specified by the planners in the merger agreement, flexibility that leads to triangular merger, which transfers the merger consideration{the shares of the parent(A) of the acquiring company(S)} to T(the acquired company or target company) through S(a wholly owned subsidiary corporation of A).
      There are two forms of triangular mergers. In a forward triangular merger, T merges into S. In a reverse triangular merger, S merges into T. The strong incentive to preserve the liability shield of A through S, and to eliminate the voting and appraisal rights that the shareholders of A would otherwise have are the principal reason to be more used than a compulsory share exchanges in the U.S. corporate section.
      As noted, a compulsory share exchange, like a reverse triangular merger, permits one corporation to acquire all the shares of another while leaving the acquired corporation in existence. The consideration of compulsory share exchange may be cash or other securities, which leads to triangular compulsory share exchanges.
      The Korean Commercial Code (the “KCC”) introduced only the forward triangular merger in 2011 and the forward triangular share exchange in 2015.
      However, in so far as the KCC accepted the increasing flexibility of merger considerations and share exchanges, the KCC should be amended to introduce the reverse triangular merger in order to facilitate the corporate reorganization. On the other hand, from a corporate governance perspective, the elimination of voting and appraisal rights of A would be criticised to be unfair, although A is the true party in interest with respect to the reverse triangular merger.
      Therefore, to address such concern, the adequate remedies against the elimination of voting and appraisal rights of A should also be introduced with the reverse triangular merger.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 노혁준, "회사분할의 제문제" 도서출판 소화 [국내] 2013

      2 이철송, "회사법강의" 박영사 2017

      3 임재연, "회사법 II" 박영사 2017

      4 임재연, "지배주식의 양도와 관련한 법적 쟁점" 법학연구원 19 (19): 463-486, 2007

      5 법무부, "중소․벤처기업의 투자자금 회수가 쉬워집니다. - 기업 인수·합병(M&A) 활성화 「상법」 개정안 국회 통과"

      6 이정란, "주식의 포괄적 교환으로 인한 증여이익의 과세" 법학연구소 56 (56): 247-272, 2015

      7 권기범, "제4판 기업구조조정법" 삼영사 2011

      8 임재호, "영업양도의 개념과 판단기준-대상판결:대법원 2005. 7. 22. 선고 2005다602 판결-" 법학연구소 48 (48): 1163-1192, 2007

      9 김지평, "역삼각합병의 실무상 쟁점" (76) : 2016

      10 LG화학, "역(逆)삼각합병’으로 美 NanoH2O 인수"

      1 노혁준, "회사분할의 제문제" 도서출판 소화 [국내] 2013

      2 이철송, "회사법강의" 박영사 2017

      3 임재연, "회사법 II" 박영사 2017

      4 임재연, "지배주식의 양도와 관련한 법적 쟁점" 법학연구원 19 (19): 463-486, 2007

      5 법무부, "중소․벤처기업의 투자자금 회수가 쉬워집니다. - 기업 인수·합병(M&A) 활성화 「상법」 개정안 국회 통과"

      6 이정란, "주식의 포괄적 교환으로 인한 증여이익의 과세" 법학연구소 56 (56): 247-272, 2015

      7 권기범, "제4판 기업구조조정법" 삼영사 2011

      8 임재호, "영업양도의 개념과 판단기준-대상판결:대법원 2005. 7. 22. 선고 2005다602 판결-" 법학연구소 48 (48): 1163-1192, 2007

      9 김지평, "역삼각합병의 실무상 쟁점" (76) : 2016

      10 LG화학, "역(逆)삼각합병’으로 美 NanoH2O 인수"

      11 "삼성전자, 미국 하만 인수…‘신의 한수’된 역삼각형 합병"

      12 윤영신, "삼각합병제도 도입과 활용상의 법률문제" 한국상사법학회 32 (32): 9-51, 2013

      13 최완진, "기업지배구조법" 한국외국어대학교 지식출판원 2016

      14 노혁준, "기업재편의 활성화와 그 딜레마 - 회사분할, 주식양수도에 관한 회사법 개정안들을 중심으로 -" 한국상사법학회 34 (34): 67-118, 2015

      15 윤은경, "기업의 조직재편-삼각조직재편을 중심으로-" 제주대학교 출판부 2017

      16 J. Patrick Garrett, "The Revised Model Business Corporation Act: Comment and Observation:Merger Meets the Common Law" 63 : 1985

      17 Elliott J. Weiss, "The Law of Take-out Mergers: A Historical Perspective" 56 : 1981

      18 Reinier Kraakman, "The Anatomy of Corporate Law(A Comparative and Functional Approach)" Oxford University Press 2009

      19 Tad Ravazzini, "The Amalgamating Reorganization Provisions: The Asymmetry in Treatment of Forward and Reverse Triangular Mergers and Other Problems" 26 : 1996

      20 Stephanie Hoffer, "Tax-Free Reorganizations: The Evolution and Revolution of Triangular Mergers" 108 : 2014

      21 Lou King, "Negotiated Acquisitions of Companies, Subsidiaries and Divisions, Vol. 2" Law Journal Press 2006

      22 American Bar Association, "Model Business Corporation Act: Official Text and Official Comment and Statutory Cross-References" 2005

      23 Patrick A. Gaughan, "Mergers, Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring" John Wiley & Sons, Inc 2002

      24 Nelson Ferebee Taylor, "Evolution of Corporate Combination Law: Policy Issues and Constitutional Questions" 76 : 1998

      25 James D. Cox, "Cox & Hazen on Corporations, Vol. 3" Wolters Kluwer 2003

      26 Charles R.T. O’Kelly, "Corporations and Other Business Associations - Cases and Materials" Wolters Kluwer 2017

      27 William W. Bratton, "Corporate Finance – Cases and Materials" Foundation Press 2012

      28 William T. Allen, "Commentaries and Cases on the Law of Business Organization" Wolters Kluwer 2016


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