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      위탁아동의 애착유형과 가족지각에 관한 연구 = Attachment Classification and Family-Perceptions in Foster Children



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The purpose of this study is to help develop our understanding of foster children's mental and social characteristics through comparison with family-reared children. The subjects of this study were 60 children aged from five to eight: 30 of whom were in foster care arranged by the Family Foster Support Center in Gyeonggi Province and the other 30 were family-reared children living in Seoul or Gyeonggi Province. The Manchester Child Attachment Story Task (Green, Stanley, & Goldwyn, 2003) was used to measure attachment classifications. The Family Drawing Checklist(FDC)(Fury, 1996) was used to measure family perception. The comparison of attachment classifications between foster children and family-reared children found that foster children exhibited less secure attachments and more insecure classification than family-reared children. No significant differences were found between secure and insecure attachment in terms of foster children's gender, foster style, foster period, and opportunities to meet with their biological parents. Regarding family perception, foster children had more negative conceptions about the notion of family than family-reared children. Male foster children showed more negative attitudes towards the notion of family than female foster children. Children who had a comparatively shorter foster period showed higher levels of negative feeling about family than children who had experienced a comparatively longer foster period. The comparison of family perception in terms of foster children' attachment classification revealed that children who exhibited secure attachments viewed the notion of family more positively, while children who exhibited insecure attachments perceived the notion of family more negatively.

      The purpose of this study is to help develop our understanding of foster children's mental and social characteristics through comparison with family-reared children. The subjects of this study were 60 children aged from five to eight: 30 of whom were ...

      The purpose of this study is to help develop our understanding of foster children's mental and social characteristics through comparison with family-reared children. The subjects of this study were 60 children aged from five to eight: 30 of whom were in foster care arranged by the Family Foster Support Center in Gyeonggi Province and the other 30 were family-reared children living in Seoul or Gyeonggi Province. The Manchester Child Attachment Story Task (Green, Stanley, & Goldwyn, 2003) was used to measure attachment classifications. The Family Drawing Checklist(FDC)(Fury, 1996) was used to measure family perception. The comparison of attachment classifications between foster children and family-reared children found that foster children exhibited less secure attachments and more insecure classification than family-reared children. No significant differences were found between secure and insecure attachment in terms of foster children's gender, foster style, foster period, and opportunities to meet with their biological parents. Regarding family perception, foster children had more negative conceptions about the notion of family than family-reared children. Male foster children showed more negative attitudes towards the notion of family than female foster children. Children who had a comparatively shorter foster period showed higher levels of negative feeling about family than children who had experienced a comparatively longer foster period. The comparison of family perception in terms of foster children' attachment classification revealed that children who exhibited secure attachments viewed the notion of family more positively, while children who exhibited insecure attachments perceived the notion of family more negatively.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 양익홍, "정상유아와 정서장애유아의 운동성 가족화 검사반응의 요인분석" 서울대학교 대학원 1984

      3 유은진, "자녀가 지각한 부모의 양육태도와 자녀의 성격특성,학업성적 및 지능과의 관계" 연세대학교 대학원 1987

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      5 유혜정, "유아의 그림검사에 나타난 자아개념에 관한 연구:인물화 검사,나무그림 검사,동작성 가족화 검사 분석을 중심으로" 성신대학교 대학원 1998

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      8 김문정, "아동이 지각한 부모양육행동과 아동의 행동문제간의 관계" 25 (25): 11-27, 2004

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      1 최선남, "청소년의 우울성향과 동적가족화에 나타난 반응특성과의 관계" 2 (2): 19-35, 1995

      2 양익홍, "정상유아와 정서장애유아의 운동성 가족화 검사반응의 요인분석" 서울대학교 대학원 1984

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      5 유혜정, "유아의 그림검사에 나타난 자아개념에 관한 연구:인물화 검사,나무그림 검사,동작성 가족화 검사 분석을 중심으로" 성신대학교 대학원 1998

      6 진미경, "애착측정 도구들에 대한 개관:시기별,영역별 애착 평가를 위한 도구들의 개관" 12 (12): 139-158, 2005

      7 이경숙, "애착장애아동의 특성과 부모-아동 관계개선프로그램 개발 및 적용에 관한 연구" 이화여자대학교 1996

      8 김문정, "아동이 지각한 부모양육행동과 아동의 행동문제간의 관계" 25 (25): 11-27, 2004

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      11 진미경, "아동기 애착 유형에 따른 아동의 가족화 연구" 28 (28): 187-196, 2007

      12 최중렬, "아동 위탁가정 유형별 양육태도에 관한 연구" 경성대학교 사회복지대학원 2005

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