1 칼 융, "존재와 상징" 동천사 11-97, 1983
2 말리노프스키, 브로니슬라브, "의미의 의미" 현암사 1987
3 포코니에 질, "우리는 어떻게 생각하는가" 지호 2009
4 리처즈, I. A, "수사학의 철학" 고려대학교 출판부 2001
5 리처즈, I. A, "문학비평의 원리" 동인 2005
6 임지룡, "몸의 철학" 박이정 2002
7 비트겐슈타인, 루트비히, "논리-철학 논고" 도서출판 천지 1991
8 Lakoff, George, "Women, Fire, Dangerous Things" The University of Chicago P 1987
9 Fauconnier, Gilles, "The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and The Mind’s Hidden Complexities" Basic Books 2002
10 Wimsatt, W. K, "The Verbal Icon : Studies in the Meaning of Poetry" The Noonday P 1954
1 칼 융, "존재와 상징" 동천사 11-97, 1983
2 말리노프스키, 브로니슬라브, "의미의 의미" 현암사 1987
3 포코니에 질, "우리는 어떻게 생각하는가" 지호 2009
4 리처즈, I. A, "수사학의 철학" 고려대학교 출판부 2001
5 리처즈, I. A, "문학비평의 원리" 동인 2005
6 임지룡, "몸의 철학" 박이정 2002
7 비트겐슈타인, 루트비히, "논리-철학 논고" 도서출판 천지 1991
8 Lakoff, George, "Women, Fire, Dangerous Things" The University of Chicago P 1987
9 Fauconnier, Gilles, "The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and The Mind’s Hidden Complexities" Basic Books 2002
10 Wimsatt, W. K, "The Verbal Icon : Studies in the Meaning of Poetry" The Noonday P 1954
11 Chomsky, Noam, "The Structure of Language" Prentice-Hall 1964
12 Ricoeur, Paul, "The Rule of Metaphor" Univ. of Toronto P 1975
13 Lewis, C. Day, "The Poetic Image" Houghton Mifflin Company 1984
14 Beardsley, Monroe C, "The Metaphorical Twist" 22 : 293-307, 1962
15 Freud, Sigmund, "The Interpretation of Dreams (I)" The Hogarth P 1973
16 Quintillian, "The Institutio Oratoria of Quintilian III" Harvard UP 1953
17 Aristotle. Rhetoric, "The Complete Works of Aristotle, 2" Princeton UP 1984
18 Jenkins, Harold, "The Arden Shakespeare: Hamlet" Routledge 1995
19 Mooij, J. A., "Tenor, Vehicle, and Reference" N. V., Publishers 4 : 257-272, 1975
20 Grice, H. Paul, "Studies in the Way of Words" Harvard UP 22-40, 1989
21 Lakoff, George, "More Than Cool Reason" The University of Chicago P 1989
22 Lakoff, George, "Metaphors We Live By" Univ. of Chicago P 1980
23 Searle, John R, "Metaphor and Thought" Cambridge UP 92-123, 1979
24 Andrew Ortony, "Metaphor and Thought" Cambridge UP 1979
25 Lakoff, George, "Metaphor and Thought" Cambridge UP 202-251, 1979
26 Reddy, Michael J, "Metaphor and Thought" Cambridge UP 164-201, 1979
27 Wheelwright, Philip, "Metaphor and Reality" Indiana UP 1968
28 Black, Max, "Metaphor" 55 : 273-294, 1955
29 Tuve, Rosemond, "Elizabethan and Metaphysical Imagery" Univ. of Chicago P 1961
30 Cicero, "De Oratore Book III" Harvard UP 1942
31 Matthews, Robert J, "Concerning A Linguistic Theory of Metaphor" 7 : 413-425, 1971
32 Richards, I. A, "Coleridge on Imagination" Paul Trench Trubner 1934
33 Aristotle, "Classical Literary Criticism: Aristotle; Horace; Longinus" Penguin Books 1965
34 Chomsky, Noam, "Aspects of The Theory of Syntax" The M. I. T. P 1965
35 Beardsley, Monroe C., "Aesthetics: Problems in The Philosophy of Criticism" Harcourt, Brace and Company 1958
36 윤희억, "A Study of Poetic Metaphor" 17 : 125-146, 2000
37 Reddy, Michael J, "A Semantic Approach to Metaphor" 18 : 240-251, 1969