1 "近十年心理究述" 第3期 : 2004
2 "英使役心理的形分和句法比分析" 第4期 : 2005
3 "漢語複合動詞的使動與起動交替" 宣于第7IsCLL 2000
4 "Zero Syntax" MIT Press 1995
5 "University of Chicago Press" 1991
6 "The Aspectual Semantics of Psychological Verbs" 1992
7 "Semantic Interpretation in Generative Grammar" MIT Press 1972
8 "Building Verb Meanings, The Projection of Arguments: Lexical and Compositional Factors" Stanford, CA.: CSLI Publication 1998
9 "<국어 심리동사의 상적 특성>" ≪예산학보≫ 15집 1994
1 "近十年心理究述" 第3期 : 2004
2 "英使役心理的形分和句法比分析" 第4期 : 2005
3 "漢語複合動詞的使動與起動交替" 宣于第7IsCLL 2000
4 "Zero Syntax" MIT Press 1995
5 "University of Chicago Press" 1991
6 "The Aspectual Semantics of Psychological Verbs" 1992
7 "Semantic Interpretation in Generative Grammar" MIT Press 1972
8 "Building Verb Meanings, The Projection of Arguments: Lexical and Compositional Factors" Stanford, CA.: CSLI Publication 1998
9 "<국어 심리동사의 상적 특성>" ≪예산학보≫ 15집 1994