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      코리아, 러시아, 유라시아: 거대변동과 장기지속의 지정학 = Korea, Russia and Eurasia: The Geopolitics of Great Transformation and Longue Durée



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      As a clashing point of civilizations in Northeast Asia, Korea has had a rapport with Eurasia that has a longue durée, as expressed by the term used in the French school of Annales. This paper reflects on how the Eurasian longue durée and its connect...

      As a clashing point of civilizations in Northeast Asia, Korea has had a rapport with Eurasia that has a longue durée, as expressed by the term used in the French school of Annales. This paper reflects on how the Eurasian longue durée and its connectedness with Korea has expressed and persisted through three great epochal transformations in the Eurasian continent: the dominance of the Mongol Empire and the expansion of the Russian Empire; the fall of the Russian Empire followed by the preponderance of Soviets; and the disintegration of the Soviet Union after the end of the Cold War in 1989. Throughout the history of great transformations, Korea’s geopolitical proximity to Eurasia has been a major factor in shaping its own identity. On the occasion of the 20th year of the diplomatic normalization between the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation(the Soviet Union at the moment of signature), which restored the diplomatic relations closed in 1904, it is necessary for Korea, while trying to enhance her ties with the nomos of the Atlantic civilizaton, to mature her rapport with Eurasia, not limiting to economic diplomacy, resources diplomacy and North Korean nuclear diplomacy, but by discovering and reinventing a common Eurasian identity which has endured great transformations.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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