This paper seeks to examine the changing concept of security in the globalized politics in the 21st century and to analyze the meaning and contents of human security and the role of global civil society in promoting human security. Currently, security...
This paper seeks to examine the changing concept of security in the globalized politics in the 21st century and to analyze the meaning and contents of human security and the role of global civil society in promoting human security. Currently, security concept includes not only national security, which has been a mainstream concept in the security studies, but also internati onal security, global security, and human security. The broadening of the security concept has extended the scope of the referent object in the security studies, while sub-state groups and even individuals as well as the state are regarded as important actors. Human security has become one of the most referred security concepts in the current security studies. It aims at protecting core values of people from such various threats as violence, disease, poverty, environmental degradation, hunger, etc. So far, civil global society, a transnational network of INGOs, has played an important role in promoting human security in the global society. INGOs have actually made an important contribution to various human security areas such as human rights, environmental protection, poverty, political rights, and so forth. However, INGOs have yet failed to acquire an equal status vis-a-vis the state and transnational organization in global governance for human security. It is very important to have a real partnership between the state, transnational organization, and INGOs for a further progress of human security in the world.