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      Chronotope of Congregation in Joy Kogawa’s Obasan



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      In this paper, analyzing Obasan written by Joy Kogawa, a Japanese Canadian, I, as an endeavor to get over the binary system of articulation and silence, argue that Obasan dialectically goes beyond contradiction between silence and articulation. Method...

      In this paper, analyzing Obasan written by Joy Kogawa, a Japanese Canadian, I, as an endeavor to get over the binary system of articulation and silence, argue that Obasan dialectically goes beyond contradiction between silence and articulation. Methodologically, I use Walter Benjamin’s explanation of storyteller and storytelling as well as Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophical idea of inter-subjectivity. Meanwhile, I discover that death, reminiscence, mourning and healing are central themes of the novel that constitutes a totality of the novel, the chronotope of congregation. There are four narratives in Obasan: aunt Obasan’s silence, Aunt Emily’s political articulation, Naomi’s contradictory narrative, and narrative of Naomi’s mother. In Obasan, chronotope of congregation embedding storytelling connotes complex poetic relations within the totality of commonplaces which include dialogic, heteroglossic, and intersubjective relations as well as eco-imagery and the healing ritual form. Besides, the narratives in Obasan reveal four aspects: corporeality of narratives; death as the center of the chronotope; the spider web structure within chronotope that interweaves stories (narratives) not in a harmonious but dialectical way; and discovering truth via Naomi’s active listening to her mother’s truthful stories.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 Minhha, Trinh T., "Woman, Native, Other : Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism" Indiana UP 1989

      2 Benjamin, Walter, "The Storyteller, In Illuminations" Harcourt, Brace and World 1965

      3 Bhabha, Homi K., "The Location of Culture" Routledge 1994

      4 Duncan, Patti, "Tell this Silence : Asian American Women Writers and the Politics of Speech" U of Iowa P 2004

      5 Eli Park Sorensen, "Post-Migrant Subjectivity and Secondary Loss: Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club" 한국중앙영어영문학회 54 (54): 563-577, 2012

      6 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, "Phenomenology of Perception" Routledge & Keegan Paul 1962

      7 Kogawa, Joy, "Obasan" Penguin 1985

      8 Asian Women United of California, "Making Waves: An Anthology of Writings By and About Asian American Women" Beacon Press 1989

      9 Zia, Helen, "Asian American Dreams : the Emergence of an American People" Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2000

      10 Cheung, King-Kok, "Articulate Silences : Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joy Kigawa" Cornell University Press 1993

      1 Minhha, Trinh T., "Woman, Native, Other : Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism" Indiana UP 1989

      2 Benjamin, Walter, "The Storyteller, In Illuminations" Harcourt, Brace and World 1965

      3 Bhabha, Homi K., "The Location of Culture" Routledge 1994

      4 Duncan, Patti, "Tell this Silence : Asian American Women Writers and the Politics of Speech" U of Iowa P 2004

      5 Eli Park Sorensen, "Post-Migrant Subjectivity and Secondary Loss: Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club" 한국중앙영어영문학회 54 (54): 563-577, 2012

      6 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, "Phenomenology of Perception" Routledge & Keegan Paul 1962

      7 Kogawa, Joy, "Obasan" Penguin 1985

      8 Asian Women United of California, "Making Waves: An Anthology of Writings By and About Asian American Women" Beacon Press 1989

      9 Zia, Helen, "Asian American Dreams : the Emergence of an American People" Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2000

      10 Cheung, King-Kok, "Articulate Silences : Hisaye Yamamoto, Maxine Hong Kingston, Joy Kigawa" Cornell University Press 1993

      11 Prince, Gerald, "A Dictionary of Narratology" U of Nebraska P 1987


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