1 고준철, "제주도 주변해역의 해양환경요인과 멸치 난자치어 분포" 한국수산과학회 40 (40): 394-410, 2007
2 강돈혁, "다중 주파수의 체적산란강도 차이를 이용한 에코그램 내에서의 종 분리와 잡음 제거" 한국수산과학회 36 (36): 541-548, 2003
3 Yoo, S, "of hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) landings in Korean Waters by time series analysis" 26 (26): 363-368, 1993
4 Lim, J.Y, "The occurrence and distribution of the fish eggs and larvae in the Korean adjacent sea" 8 : 7-29, 1970
5 Choo, H.S, "The effect of variations in the Tsushima Warm currents on the egg and larval transport of anchovy in the southern sea of Korea" 31 (31): 226-244, 1998
6 Kim, J.Y, "Temporal variation of seasonality of egg production and the spawnig biomass of Pacific anchovy. Engraulis japonica. in the southern waters of Korea in 1983-1994" 10 : 297-310, 1994
7 Nakken, O, "Target strength mea- surements of fish" 170 : 52-69, 1977
8 Kim, J.Y, "Spawning ecology of anchovy, Engraulis japonicus. in the southern waters of Korea" 25 : 331-340, 1992
9 Stergiou,K.I, "Prediction of the Mullidae fishery in the eastern Mediterranean 24 months in advance" 9 : 67-74, 1990
10 Fukuda, Y, "Dorsal aspect target strength of anchovy (Engraulis japonica) at five frequencies using a tethered method and theoretical model" 6 : 104-107, 2006
1 고준철, "제주도 주변해역의 해양환경요인과 멸치 난자치어 분포" 한국수산과학회 40 (40): 394-410, 2007
2 강돈혁, "다중 주파수의 체적산란강도 차이를 이용한 에코그램 내에서의 종 분리와 잡음 제거" 한국수산과학회 36 (36): 541-548, 2003
3 Yoo, S, "of hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) landings in Korean Waters by time series analysis" 26 (26): 363-368, 1993
4 Lim, J.Y, "The occurrence and distribution of the fish eggs and larvae in the Korean adjacent sea" 8 : 7-29, 1970
5 Choo, H.S, "The effect of variations in the Tsushima Warm currents on the egg and larval transport of anchovy in the southern sea of Korea" 31 (31): 226-244, 1998
6 Kim, J.Y, "Temporal variation of seasonality of egg production and the spawnig biomass of Pacific anchovy. Engraulis japonica. in the southern waters of Korea in 1983-1994" 10 : 297-310, 1994
7 Nakken, O, "Target strength mea- surements of fish" 170 : 52-69, 1977
8 Kim, J.Y, "Spawning ecology of anchovy, Engraulis japonicus. in the southern waters of Korea" 25 : 331-340, 1992
9 Stergiou,K.I, "Prediction of the Mullidae fishery in the eastern Mediterranean 24 months in advance" 9 : 67-74, 1990
10 Fukuda, Y, "Dorsal aspect target strength of anchovy (Engraulis japonica) at five frequencies using a tethered method and theoretical model" 6 : 104-107, 2006
11 Kim,J.Y, "Distribution of anchovy eggs and larvae off the western and southern coasts of Korea" 16 : 401-409, 1983
12 Choi, S.G, "Biomass estimation of anchovy (Engraulis japonicus) by acoustic and trawl surveys during spring season in the southern korean waters" 4 : 20-29, 2001
13 Park, H.H, "Analysis and prediction of anchovy fisheries in korea ARIMA model and spectrum analysis" 29 (29): 143-149, 1996
14 Yoon, G.D, "Acoustic target sterngth of the pelagic fish in the southern waters of Korea. Ⅰ. In situ urement of target strength of anchovy (Engraulis Japonica)" 29 (29): 107-114, 1996
15 Traynor, J. J, "A consideration of the accuracy and recision of fish-abundance estimates derived from echo integration surveys" 189 : 101-111, 1990