In this research, we propose a method that uses physiognomy to create a specific facial impression on a computer graphic character. We claim that this method is especially effective for creating a hostile crowd with randomly generated facial features....
In this research, we propose a method that uses physiognomy to create a specific facial impression on a computer graphic character. We claim that this method is especially effective for creating a hostile crowd with randomly generated facial features. This is achieved by combining facial elements from a library of facial elements such as eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips, ears, forehead, cheeks, and jaws. The library consists of visual representations of facial elements described by Face Sectional Theory, a branch theory of physiognomy, as having negative connotations. A software program that automatically and randomly combines visual representations culled from the library is used to generate a face that creates a strong negative impression. The process can be repeated to eventually build a crowd that gives an impression of hostility.