It should be accomplished to verify the roll of private security industry in Korea and government ought to support it to gain national trust, which will result in security service close to that of police. But the weakness of private security in Korean...
It should be accomplished to verify the roll of private security industry in Korea and government ought to support it to gain national trust, which will result in security service close to that of police. But the weakness of private security in Korean system comes into view continuously, which breaks the public trust in it. Behind its weakness are legal and institutional problems, which should be resolved to prepare the ground for private security system suitable for its original purpose. Above all, to achieve this, it should be done to set up the system predicated on the publicness of private security, and the law linked to private security should be revised to adapt it to Korean circumstances. And, in my opinion, to overcome the vulnerability of our private security industry the holistic approach that compares other countries` systems is more important than microscopic improvement measures. Especially, it will be effectual to compare and analyze leading countries` positive laws related to private security. Therefore, by accepting what the advanced systems imply, the Korean private security that is endowed with publicness and commerciality should perform the primary part in the blind spot where there is no security.