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      이집트 민주화운동과 무슬림형제단의 역할 -정치정당 창당까지를 중심으로- = A Study on the Democratic Movement in Egypt and the Role of Muslim Brotherhood -Till the Formation of the Political Party-



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study is designed to understand the process of the Egyptian revolution and the role of Muslim Brotherhood(MB) in this democratic movement till the formation of the political party, Freedom and Justice Party(FJP). For this purpose, this paper desc...

      This study is designed to understand the process of the Egyptian revolution and the role of Muslim Brotherhood(MB) in this democratic movement till the formation of the political party, Freedom and Justice Party(FJP). For this purpose, this paper described four topics. They were the MB as an origin of Egypt`s civil movements, the role of the MB in the history of Egypt`s democratic movements, the achievement of Egypt`s democratic revolution, and the prospects on the change-possibility of the MB`s future. The MB in Egypt was founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928. It has influenced Islamist movements around the world with its model of political activism. At first, this movement aimed simply to spread Islamic morals and good works in hospitals, schools, banks, community centers, and facilities for disabled all over the country. But it became involved in politics, particularly the fight to get rid of British colonial control from Egypt. Its political activities have been banned by the ruling NDP during more than 60 years, but till now it leads public opposition movement in Egypt. During Egypt`s democratic movements, the MB has kept its moderate path, and tried to do something akin to the Christian Egyptians. This is a kind of important changes of the MB. This is the reason why we consider the MB`s political future will be bright and optimistic through the FJP.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 황병하, "현대중동정치와 이슬람" 조선대학교출판부 1999

      2 "한겨레신문. 2011. 2. 4 - 4. 30"

      3 "중앙일보. 2011. 2. 4 - 4. 30"

      4 21세기 중동이슬람문명권 연구사업단, "중동종교운동의 이해 3" 한울아카데미 2006

      5 "조선일보. 2011. 2. 4 - 4. 30"

      6 송경근, "이집트 무슬림 형제단의 성장, 투쟁, 사회적 역할 및 제도권 진입에 관한 연구" 한국이슬람학회 19 (19): 27-56, 2009

      7 황병하, "이슬람원리주의운동의 이념적 단일성과 정치적 다양성에 관한 연구*1)- 협력과 대립관계를 중심으로 -" 한국중동학회 26 (26): 254-282, 2006

      8 "연합뉴스. 2011. 2. 4 - 4. 30"

      9 "뉴시스. 2011. 2. 4 - 4. 30"

      10 CNN, "Who is the Muslim Brotherhood"

      1 황병하, "현대중동정치와 이슬람" 조선대학교출판부 1999

      2 "한겨레신문. 2011. 2. 4 - 4. 30"

      3 "중앙일보. 2011. 2. 4 - 4. 30"

      4 21세기 중동이슬람문명권 연구사업단, "중동종교운동의 이해 3" 한울아카데미 2006

      5 "조선일보. 2011. 2. 4 - 4. 30"

      6 송경근, "이집트 무슬림 형제단의 성장, 투쟁, 사회적 역할 및 제도권 진입에 관한 연구" 한국이슬람학회 19 (19): 27-56, 2009

      7 황병하, "이슬람원리주의운동의 이념적 단일성과 정치적 다양성에 관한 연구*1)- 협력과 대립관계를 중심으로 -" 한국중동학회 26 (26): 254-282, 2006

      8 "연합뉴스. 2011. 2. 4 - 4. 30"

      9 "뉴시스. 2011. 2. 4 - 4. 30"

      10 CNN, "Who is the Muslim Brotherhood"

      11 BBC, "Tim. Whewell. Competing Muslim Brotherhood Visions for Egypt"

      12 Mitchell, Richard P, "The Society of the Muslim Brothers" Oxford University Press 1969

      13 Esposito, John L, "The Islamic Threat" Oxford University Press 1995

      14 Sivan, Emmanuel, "Radical Islam" Yale University Press 1985

      15 BBC, "Profile: Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood"

      16 CNN, "Platform of the Muslim Brotherhood"

      17 Kepel, Gilles, "Muslim Extrimism in Egypt" University of California Press 1996

      18 Sidahmed, Abdel Salam, "Islamic Fundamentalism" Westview Press 1996

      19 Mohaddessin, Mohammad, "Islamic Fundamentalism" Seven Locks Press 1993

      20 Dekmejian, R. Hrair, "Islam in Revolution" Syracuse University Press 1985

      21 Munson, Henry, "Islam and Revolution in the Middle East" Yale University Press 1998

      22 CNN, "Interview with Issam al-Erian"

      23 CNN, "Interview with Issam al-Erian"

      24 CNN, "Interview with Fawza Gerges"

      25 Sagiv, David, "Fundamentalism and Intellectuals in Egypt: 1973-1993" Frank Cass 1995

      26 CNN, "Fareed Zakariya. Interview with Amru Musa"

      27 BBC, "Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood sets up new party"

      28 BBC, "Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood promotes moderate path"

      29 "CNN. 2011. 2. 4 - 4. 30"

      30 "BBC News. 2011. 2. 4 - 4. 30"

      31 Goldschmidt, Arthur, "A Brief History of Egypt" Checkma가 Books 2008


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