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1 "World Health Organization"
2 Deng T-B, "Three-channel variable filter-bank for digital hearing aids" 4 (4): 181-196, 2010
3 Vogel DA, "The clinical audiogram : its history and current use" 1 (1): 81-94, 2007
4 Vaidyanathan PP, "Multirate systems and filter banks" Pearson Education India 2006
5 Haridas N, "Efficient variable bandwidth filters for digital hearing aid using farrow structure" 7 (7): 255-262, 2016
6 Kalathil S, "Efficient design of non-uniform cosine modulated filter banks for digital hearing aids" 69 (69): 1314-1320, 2015
7 Oppenheim AV, "Discrete-time signal processing" Pearson Education India 1999
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9 Wei Y, "Design of low complexity adjustable filter bank for personalized hearing aid solutions" 23 (23): 923-931, 2015
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