This paper focuses on Alexandra``s overcoming diasporic situations in Hanover, Nebraska. Moving to Nebraska from Sweden she suffers constant failures in the nature. Especially Alexandra experiences her father``s and beloved youngest brother Emil``s de...
This paper focuses on Alexandra``s overcoming diasporic situations in Hanover, Nebraska. Moving to Nebraska from Sweden she suffers constant failures in the nature. Especially Alexandra experiences her father``s and beloved youngest brother Emil``s death. As the head of her household she is in the position that she has to support the rest of family members and cultivate the homestead land. To make matters worse she splits up her boyfriend Carl owing to her elder brothers`` own avarice. In this way Alexandra in O Pioneers! undergoes trials and errors to survive in the sterile Nebraska. Unlike her neighbors, however, she successfully settles in the New World by standing in awe of ``the Spirit of the Divide`` and holding real communion with it from beginning to end. Meanwhile she doesn``t yield to her patriarchal brothers, death of family members and soci