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      19세기 후반~20세기 초 베트남의 ‘新書’ 수용 = 초기 개혁운동의 기원과 관련하여



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study aims at examining the origin of the Vietnamese Reform Movement on the basis of understanding the ‘New Books’ as an East Asian intellectual trend. Colonization attempts facilitated the exchanges between the Asian countries. Policies t...

      This study aims at examining the origin of the Vietnamese Reform Movement on the basis of understanding the ‘New Books’ as an East Asian intellectual trend.
      Colonization attempts facilitated the exchanges between the Asian countries. Policies that arose from the colonial powers’ needs for economic expansion enlarged Asia’s ground for activity, making communication between diverse parts of the Asian world faster and easier. Hence, events occurring in China were able to have a more direct repercussion over the East Asian society on a large scale.
      The Western impact on China and the Sino-Japanese War widened the Chinese intellectuals’ vision. They realized China’s weakness in the face of Western and Japanese military intrusions and felt the need to transform their country into a prosperous ‘modern’ nation. Therefore, Chinese reformists began to develop journalism and translate numerous European and Japanese works in order to introduce their compatriots to the various fields of Western sciences and ideas.
      It also so happens that this intellectual current contributed to the formation of the Vietnamese reform movement. Data now available is not helpful about precisely when Chinese reformist writings first entered Vietnam. However, Ðao Nguyen Ph?’s bibliographical list shows that the ‘New Learning’ came from very diverse sources such as books, periodicals, maps, illustrated magazines, drawings etc.
      But what is the meaning of this phenomenon? In order to understand what was meant by the progressive intellectual movement, it is important to take into account when and how the ‘New Books’ affected Vietnamese readers born between the 1860s and 1900s.
      From the late 19th century, chemistry, mechanics, physics, pharmacy and social sciences provided a way for Vietnamese to access new educational methods and intellectual tools, barely known until then. The ‘New Books’ introduced in the early 20th century were written by authors and translators of various nationalities: Western, Japanese and Chinese. In particular, Chinese reformists’ works began to substantially enter Vietnam after the Hundred Days’ Reform. After this reform and the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, Vietnamese intellectuals started to become conscious that they had entered a new epoch, and as a result, a growing interest in Western sciences spread throughout the country. It was at this time that books and newspapers of Kang Youwei and Liang Qichao penetrated even deeper into Vietnamese society. That’s why the ‘New Books’ was able to give great impetus to the Vietnamese intellectual evolution, as showed in Duy Tan h?i, đong Du movement, đong Kinh Ngh?a Th?c etc.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • Ⅰ. 머리말
      • Ⅱ. 서적 수용의 전통과 19세기 후반 ‘新書’의 출현
      • Ⅲ. 20세기 초 ‘新書’의 양상
      • Ⅵ. 맺음말
      • 참고문헌
      • Ⅰ. 머리말
      • Ⅱ. 서적 수용의 전통과 19세기 후반 ‘新書’의 출현
      • Ⅲ. 20세기 초 ‘新書’의 양상
      • Ⅵ. 맺음말
      • 참고문헌

      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      1 張朋園, "梁啓超與淸季革命" 中央硏究院近代史硏究所 1982

      2 황현, "역주 梅泉野錄" 문학과지성사 2005

      3 김유리, "서원에서 학당으로" 한국학술정보 2007

      4 윤대영, "김영건(金永鍵)의 베트남 연구 동인(動因)과 그 성격: 1930-40년대, 그의 “전변무상(轉變無常)”한 인생 역정과 관련하여" 한국동남아학회 19 (19): 57-100, 2009

      5 金允植, "雲養集(韓國文集叢刊 328)" 民族文化推進會 2004

      6 金允植, "續陰晴史 (韓國史料叢書第十一)" 國史編纂委員會 1960

      7 "皇城新聞" 韓國文化開發社 1971

      8 "淸議報" 中華書局 1991

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      10 徐右春, "民國人物大辭典" 河北人民出版社 1991

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      22 張靜廬, "中國近代出版史料" 中華書局 1957

      23 張靜廬, "中國的新聞紙" 光華書局 1928

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      43 Marr, David G., "Vietnamese anticolonialism, 1885-1925" University of California 1971

      44 Smith, Ralph, "Viet-Nam and the West" Cornell University Press 1968

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      48 "The ‘New Books’ as an Origin of the Vietnamese Reform"

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      56 Salmon, Claudine, "L’édition chinoise dans le monde insulindien (fin du XIXe siècle – début du XXe siècle), in Le livre et l’imprimerie en Extrême-Orient et en Asie du Sud"

      57 Bastid, Marianne, "L’Éducation en Chine : tradition et révolution" 1 (1): 1973

      58 Huang, Philip.C., "Liang Ch’i-ch’ao and Modern Chinese Liberalism" Univ. of Washington Press 1972

      59 Youn Dae-Yeong, "Le Việt Nam vong quốc sử et les mouvements réformistes en Extrême-Orient" 17 : 2006

      60 Lê Thánh Khôi, "Le Viet-Nam. Histoire et civilisation" Les Éditions de Minuit 1955

      61 Vergnaud, Jean-François, "La penseé de Gu Yanwu (1613-1682), Essai de synthèse" Paris, EFEO 1990

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      67 Benette, Adrian Arthur, "John Fryer: The Introduction of Western Science and Technology into Nineteenth-Century" Harvard University 1967

      68 Durand, Maurice, "Introduction à la littérature vietnamienne" Paris, G. P. Maisonneuve et Larose 1969

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      72 Hummel, Arthur W., "Eminent Chinese of the Ch’ing Period (1644-1912)" United States Government Printing Office 1943

      73 Rankin, Mary Backus, "Early Chinese Revolutionaries: Radical Intellectuals in Shanghai and Chekiang, 1902-1911" Harvard University Press 1971

      74 Nguyen Tri, Chrisitine, "Culture lettrée et pédagogie occidentale en Chine"

      75 "Courrier d'Haïphong"

      76 Chesneaux, Jean, "Contribution à l’histoire de la nation vietnamienne" Paris, Édition Sociales 1955

      77 De Francis, John, "Colonialism and Language Policy in Viet Nam" Mouton Publishers 1977

      78 "Bulletin de l'EFEO, tome II, n° 4 (octobre - décembre 1902)"

      79 Boorman, Howard L, "Biographical Dictionary of Republican China" London, Columbia Univ. Press 1967

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      81 "Archives d’Outre-Mer, Fonds du Gouvernement Général de l’Indochine"

      82 "Archives du ministère des Affaires étrangères de la France, Nouvelle Série"

      83 윤대영, "20세기 초 베트남 지식인들의 동아시아 인식- 連帶意識과 自民族中心主義 分析을 中心으로" 동아연구소 (53) : 327-360, 2007

      84 윤대영, "19세기 후반 응우옌 쯔엉 또(Nguyễn Trường Tộ)의 개혁 논의와 응우옌(Nguyễn) 왕조의 대응" 역사학회 (206) : 211-243, 2010

      85 최병욱, "19세기 전반(1823-1847) 베트남의 동남아시아 관선무역" 2000

      86 최병욱, "19세기 베트남 관선의 광동(廣東) 왕래 시말" 한국동남아학회 21 (21): 1-42, 2011


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