Now days CAE has been used for almost all injection molding designs in order to find the best injection conditions. Almost all CAE use 2-D mesh, but the CAE with 2-D mesh can't indicate such as jetting, flow-mark and filling imbalance in multi cavity ...
Now days CAE has been used for almost all injection molding designs in order to find the best injection conditions. Almost all CAE use 2-D mesh, but the CAE with 2-D mesh can't indicate such as jetting, flow-mark and filling imbalance in multi cavity mold. In this study, we suggested a new 3D meshing. the method which can indicate the filling imbalance in geometrically balanced runner system with Mold Flow MPI 6.1 and we found out that the calculation times are saved. As a feasibility study, we verified that Melt Flipper, RC Pin etc appeared the balanced filling behaviors. of geometrically balanced runner system and Melt Flipper, filling imbalance was indicated more accurately.