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      현대자본주의의 동학모순과 한국경제― 한국자본주의의 부르주아적 개혁을 중심으로 = The DynamicsContradictions of Contemporary Capitalism and Korean Economy: Bourgeois Reforms in Korea

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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The DynamicsContradictions of Contemporary Capitalism and Korean Economy: Bourgeois Reforms in Korea Kim, Yang-Hwa
      Contemporary capitalism is a 'otality' category. It is an integrated whole, or an organic unity mediated through uneven geographical developments and financial operations. And its dynamics and contradictions mainly lies in the financial accumulation strategy of global capitals, which stimulates 'the secondary circuit of capital'. As a result, it produces the rapidly increasing social inequalities, or 'accumulation of wealth at one pole and accumulation of misery, agony of toil, slavery, ignorance, brutality, mental degradation, at the opposite pole(in short, a relative immiseration of the popular classes). To properly understand it, we have to use 'totality and dialectical method' focused on 'the relations of the parts to the whole'.
      Capitalism in Korea is, on the one hand, linked to contemporary world economy through 'exportism', which produces many social polarizations in Korean economy, including those between capital and labor, manufacturing and non-manufacturing, large and small-medium businesses, and wealthy and poor households etc., and on the other hand, through financial institutions, which controlled by international finance capitals.
      In the circumstances, a 'new New-Deal', which is suggested by Harvy, David, is required in Korea. Especially, it should be placed as the bourgeois reform in Korea(from above), initiated by political liberals, bourgeois, labor unions, and citizen movement groups. And in the global constraints, it cannot but be confined to resolve housing problems and reform 'the secondary circuit of capital' of Korean capitalism. But it would contribute to alleviate the rapidly increasing social inequalities and eliminate bubbles in the capital's secondary circuit realms in Korea.

      The DynamicsContradictions of Contemporary Capitalism and Korean Economy: Bourgeois Reforms in Korea Kim, Yang-Hwa Contemporary capitalism is a 'otality' category. It is an integrated whole, or an organic unity mediated through uneven geographical dev...

      The DynamicsContradictions of Contemporary Capitalism and Korean Economy: Bourgeois Reforms in Korea Kim, Yang-Hwa
      Contemporary capitalism is a 'otality' category. It is an integrated whole, or an organic unity mediated through uneven geographical developments and financial operations. And its dynamics and contradictions mainly lies in the financial accumulation strategy of global capitals, which stimulates 'the secondary circuit of capital'. As a result, it produces the rapidly increasing social inequalities, or 'accumulation of wealth at one pole and accumulation of misery, agony of toil, slavery, ignorance, brutality, mental degradation, at the opposite pole(in short, a relative immiseration of the popular classes). To properly understand it, we have to use 'totality and dialectical method' focused on 'the relations of the parts to the whole'.
      Capitalism in Korea is, on the one hand, linked to contemporary world economy through 'exportism', which produces many social polarizations in Korean economy, including those between capital and labor, manufacturing and non-manufacturing, large and small-medium businesses, and wealthy and poor households etc., and on the other hand, through financial institutions, which controlled by international finance capitals.
      In the circumstances, a 'new New-Deal', which is suggested by Harvy, David, is required in Korea. Especially, it should be placed as the bourgeois reform in Korea(from above), initiated by political liberals, bourgeois, labor unions, and citizen movement groups. And in the global constraints, it cannot but be confined to resolve housing problems and reform 'the secondary circuit of capital' of Korean capitalism. But it would contribute to alleviate the rapidly increasing social inequalities and eliminate bubbles in the capital's secondary circuit realms in Korea.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      3 정승일, "한국의 경제발전과 금융/기업 시스템" 200212

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      6 손낙구, "통계로 보는 부동산투기" 프레시안 20056

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      8 박태견, "참여정권 건설족 덫에 걸리다" 뷰스 2005

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      2 Crotty J, "한국의 경제적정치적 위기-경제 사회분석에 관하여 한국사회에 보내는 충고" 한국사회경제학회 19983

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      4 김형기, "한국노동운동의 혁신을 위한 10대 명제" 프레시안 200411

      5 박승옥, "한국 노동운동, 종말인가 재생인가" 2004년

      6 손낙구, "통계로 보는 부동산투기" 프레시안 20056

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      68 Virno, P, "A Grammar of the Multitude" 갈무리 vi : 2004


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