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      Operational Cyber: a Global View = Operational Cyber: a Global View



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Access to the cyber domain has ultimately become one of the key "power sources" of prosperity. The dependence of our information society on the availability and integrity as well as on the reliability and confidentiality of data, information, and know...

      Access to the cyber domain has ultimately become one of the key "power sources" of prosperity. The dependence of our information society on the availability and integrity as well as on the reliability and confidentiality of data, information, and knowledge makes it particularly susceptible to cyber threats. Risk management needs to strive for a balance between threats, vulnerabilities, and consequences. Yet, it must no longer be performed only preventively and statically, but must rather be able to be adapted dynamically to the situation development. The dovetailing of military and civil networks constitutes a special risk for the armed forces because instabilities and failures of the common cyber infrastructure may also affect their operational readiness. The cyber domain is particularly exposed to risk especially in military conflicts due to its great vulnerability from a long distance and due to the anonymity of the attacker. However, armed forces should not only perceive the threats of this domain but also concentrate on the opportunities it provides. Modern states are completely right in acknowledging the importance of the domain of cyber. Technology moves quickly. Evolving technology is accelerating the flow of information, placing unique pressures on decision-making and action. The potential for cascading effects is amplified by the interconnectedness of cyberspace. We had better prepare for a demanding new kind of challenge - in society, business, and security.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

      1 "Verizon 2012 Data Breach Investigation Report" 2013

      2 Nakashima, Ellen, "U.S., Israel Developed Flame Computer Virus to Slow Iranian Nuclear Efforts, Officials Say"

      3 Demchak, Chris, "Thinking and Teaching Cyber Security Resilience.” Briefing within the context of the modular training “Cyberspace” at the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College"

      4 Gregory, Radabaugh, "The Evolving Cyberspace Threat" 15 : 65-, 2012

      5 Geers, Kenneth, "Sun Tzu and Cyber War" Tallin

      6 United States. Department of Defense, "Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace"

      7 Obama, Barack, "State of the Union Address"

      8 Center for Strategic and International Studies, "Significant Cyber Incidents since 2006"

      9 Borg, Scott, "Securing the Supply Chain for Electronic Equipment: A Strategy and Framework"

      10 "Panetta, Remarks by Secretary on Cyber Security to the Business Executives for National Security, New York City"

      1 "Verizon 2012 Data Breach Investigation Report" 2013

      2 Nakashima, Ellen, "U.S., Israel Developed Flame Computer Virus to Slow Iranian Nuclear Efforts, Officials Say"

      3 Demchak, Chris, "Thinking and Teaching Cyber Security Resilience.” Briefing within the context of the modular training “Cyberspace” at the Bundeswehr Command and Staff College"

      4 Gregory, Radabaugh, "The Evolving Cyberspace Threat" 15 : 65-, 2012

      5 Geers, Kenneth, "Sun Tzu and Cyber War" Tallin

      6 United States. Department of Defense, "Strategy for Operating in Cyberspace"

      7 Obama, Barack, "State of the Union Address"

      8 Center for Strategic and International Studies, "Significant Cyber Incidents since 2006"

      9 Borg, Scott, "Securing the Supply Chain for Electronic Equipment: A Strategy and Framework"

      10 "Panetta, Remarks by Secretary on Cyber Security to the Business Executives for National Security, New York City"

      11 Harold, Scott W, "Obama-Park Summit a Critical Opportunity for the US-Korea Alliance"

      12 Sanger, David E, "Obama Order Sped up Wave of Cyberattacks against Iran"

      13 "NATO kampft gegen Flut von Cyber-Attacken“(NATO fFghts against a Flood of Cyber Attacks)"

      14 Poitras, Laura, "How the NSA Targets Germany and Europe"

      15 Castle, Stephen, "Europeans Voice Anger over Reports of Spying by U.S. on Its Allies" New York Times

      16 "BSI Annual Reports 2009 and 2011"

      17 Cebula, J. J., "A Taxonomy of Operational Cyber Security Risks" Carnegie-Mellon 2010


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      0.32 0.24 0.744 0

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