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1 조경진, "우세안과 비우세안의 굴절이상" 대한안과학회 50 (50): 275-279, 2009
2 진용한, "사시환자의 굴절이상" 32 (32): 190-194, 1991
3 Heinrich SP, "Vernier acuity for stereodisparate objects and ocular prevalence" 45 (45): 1321-1328, 2005
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5 Porac C, "The dominant eye" 83 (83): 880-897, 1976
6 Brackenridge CJ, "The contribution of genetic factors to ocular dominance" 12 (12): 319-325, 1982
7 Ooi TL, "Sensory eye dominance" 72 (72): 168-177, 2001
8 Repka M, "Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group : Laterality of amblyopia" 150 (150): 270-274, 2010
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