This study aims to analyze the impact of participation in leisure activities on acculturative stress and university life adjustment of Chinese students who are studying in Korean university. In order to achieve these objectives, the study using a conv...
This study aims to analyze the impact of participation in leisure activities on acculturative stress and university life adjustment of Chinese students who are studying in Korean university. In order to achieve these objectives, the study using a convenience sample of convenience sampling method, sampling 483 people among them, and 406 part questionnaire data were treated, except 77 part questionnaire what was deemed unfaithful or was missing some of the questions answered in the questionnaire.
In order to analyze to the data collected, PASW Window Version 19.0 was used, and exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test verification, one-way ANOVA(One-way ANOVA) was conducted, and to analyze the collected data significantly validation results for the differences between the individual groups, post-hoc Scheffe's method was performed.
With the above purpose, we want to test the research hypotheses on the impact of acculturative stress and university life adjustment through participation in leisure activity of Chinese students who are studying in Korean university, through the research methods and procedures, the results are as follows.
First, According to the Chinese students' demographic variables, the results of analysis by the differences in leisure activities what we participating, these were some statistically significant differences in the Korean level, cost of living one month and the length of stay in Korea.
Second, According to the Chinese students' demographic variables, the results of analysis by the differences in acculturative stress, these were no statistically significant difference.
Third, According to the Chinese students' demographic variables, the results of analysis by the differences in university life adjustment, these were some statistically significant differences in the Korean level, expenditure of leisure.
Fourth, According to the participation(presence, frequency, time) in leisure activities, the results of analysis by the differences in acculturative stress, these were some statistically significant differences in acculturative awe.
Fifth, According to the participation(presence, frequency, time) in leisure activities, the results of analysis by the differences in university life adjustment, these were some statistically significant differences in personal-emotional adaptation, college satisfaction, and social adaptation by presence of participation, these were some statistically significant differences in personal-emotional adaptation, and social adaptation by frequency of participation, these were some statistically significant differences in personal-emotional adaptation and college satisfaction by time of participation.
Sixth, According to the Chinese students' acculturative stress, the results of analysis, these have huge statistically influence in university life adjustment.