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      『구운몽』의 재미와 교훈 = The Fun and Lesson in Guunmong



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Guunmong(九蕓夢), which is a novel created by Gim Man-jung(金萬重), became the subject of controversy because of the narrative structure that is mixed a dream and reality. Many people regard Guunmong as a novel that contains instructive contents...

      Guunmong(九蕓夢), which is a novel created by Gim Man-jung(金萬重), became the subject of controversy because of the narrative structure that is mixed a dream and reality. Many people regard Guunmong as a novel that contains instructive contents such as religious realization or ideological theory. By the way, this is the phenomenon that was shown due to the compulsion of trying to find out a lesson in classics with thinking that reading a novel is labor.
      Novel is a kind of interesting thing. Thus, reading a novel corresponds to a pastime. The story and characters of Guunmong are addressing a problem of a desire that a human being has, thereby being filled with a lot of fun. The purpose of this study is to examine how and which fun is specifically made and to figure out a character type and a narrative structure in Guunmong.
      The first fun in Guunmong originates from recycling a story structure in 'A Hero's Life.' The story structure of 'A Hero's Life' arising from a myth specifically shows the most perfect life that a human being can imagine. Guunmong well shows the biggest social success that a human being can achieve, and what a method is that is most suitable for accomplishing it. Both the dream and the reality that appear in Guunmong are the world of a desire. Even a scene of denying a dream after returning to reality has a meaning as saying of achieving the last desire of reality.
      The second fun in Guunmong results from utilizing the story structure of 'Love Relationship.' In the process that the hero Yang So-yu(楊少遊) has relationship with eight women, a man's sexual appetite is well revealed. Eight women are the characters who implemented diverse sexual attractions, respectively, desired by a man. A point of making an alliance in the process of social success and a point of having connection caused by a woman's positive love-making show a method of accomplishing the easiest sexual appetite that a man wants. Yang So-yu shows the snobbish image loyal to the instinctive sexual desire, but receives women's understanding and tolerance in the way that shows pure love toward counterpart. As a result, all the eight women come to hold the equal position within a family. This seems to be set-up for drawing female readers' sympathy.
      Guunmong has an important value dubbed an excellent method of storytelling and a specific exploration on human nature by skillfully mixing two stories called 'A Hero's Life' and 'Love Relationship.' However, a man's sexual appetite that is shown in Guunmong has a problem as saying of being able to be used as a logic of justifying polygamy or patriarchy. Also, there is a need to pay attention even to which the shape of male and female characters shown in Guunmong may rationalize inequality of sex role or gender hierarchy that exists even now.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 "論語·子路"

      3 "論語"

      4 강미선, "한·중 고전소설의 비교연구 : 중국재자가인소설과 17세기 한글소설을 중심으로" 가톨릭대학교 대학원 2004

      5 정병설, "주제 파악의 방법과 『구운몽』의 주제" 규장각한국학연구원 (64) : 315-337, 2013

      6 김정숙, "조선후기 재자가인소설 연구" 고려대학교 대학원 2005

      7 오혜경, "조선시대 무동복식에 관한 연구" 단국대학교 대학원 2007

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      9 헤겔, "정신현상학 제4장"

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      21 정희준, "스포츠영웅의 조건: 그들의 등장과 몰락의 사례를 통한 이데올로기 해석" 14 (14): 257-272, 2001

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      23 김현, "문학이란 무엇인가" 문학과지성사 20-22, 1976

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      25 김종군, "남녀애정결연서사 연구" 박이정출판사 74-76, 2005

      26 김현생, "김만중의『구운몽』과 라캉의 욕망이론" 한국영미어문학회 (113) : 91-108, 2014

      27 정규복, "김만중 문학 연구" 국학자료원 1993

      28 아리스토텔레스, "국가론 제1권"

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      31 정길수, "구운몽 다시 읽기" 돌베개 77-85, 2010

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      34 "高麗史 권71"

      35 김만중, "西浦集 권2" 24-,

      36 金萬重, "西浦漫筆 下"

      37 "西浦年譜"

      38 申光洙, "石北集 권1" 204-,

      39 唐 袁郊, "甘泽谣 권1"

      40 申佐模, "澹人集 권3" 267-,

      41 汪元量, "永樂大典 권2264"

      42 "毛詩正義 권1"

      43 "樂府詩集"

      44 조혁상, "朝鮮朝 妓女劒舞의 文學的 形象化에 대한 考察 -劒舞詩를 중심으로-" 동방한문학회 (64) : 91-120, 2015

      45 "易"

      46 李縡, "大東稗林 권8" 국학자료원 338-,

      47 司馬遷, "史記 권55"

      48 김진영, "古典小說에 나타난 謫降話素의 起源 探索" 어문연구학회 64 : 89-117, 2010

      49 一然, "三國遺事 권1"

      50 "三國史記 권48"

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      53 구본현, "『구운몽』의 인물과 서사에 나타나는 用事와 漢詩의 활용 양상" 국문학회 (32) : 89-132, 2015

      54 서경희, "『구운몽』의 수용 양상 연구" 21 : 97-117, 2003

      55 김병국, "『구운몽』 연구의 현황과 문제점" 일지사 2 (2): 193-204, 1976

      56 "『晏子春秋』 內篇 雜下"

      57 강상순, "「구운몽」에 형상화된 남녀관계의 소설사적 계보와 역사적 성격" 우리어문학회 (32) : 185-228, 2008

      58 유승호, "CEO 55% “진정한 내조의 여왕은 헤라형”"

      59 이강옥, "<구운몽>의 재해석과 희망의 서사교육" 국어교육학회(since1969) (46) : 117-160, 2010

      60 이문규, "<구운몽>의 性愛小說的 성격" 한국고전문학교육학회 (14) : 361-396, 2007

      61 이주영, "<구운몽>에 나타난 욕망의 문제" 한국고소설학회 (13) : 2-56, 2002

      62 유광수, "<구운몽>: 두 욕망의 순환과 진정한 깨달음의 서사-양소유가 성진 되기-" 열상고전연구회 (26) : 287-318, 2007

      63 정길수, "17세기 동아시아 소설의 遍歷構造 비교-<구운몽>?<肉蒲團>?<好色一代男>의 경우-" 한국고소설학회 (21) : 249-276, 2006


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