Age and growth of Cyclina sinensis were investigated during the period from August 2019 to September 2020 in Busan, Korea. The shell length range is 14.78 ~ 50.49 mm, shell height is 14.09 ~ 51.76 mm and shell width is 8.25 ~ 34.37 mm. The relationshi...
Age and growth of Cyclina sinensis were investigated during the period from August 2019 to September 2020 in Busan, Korea. The shell length range is 14.78 ~ 50.49 mm, shell height is 14.09 ~ 51.76 mm and shell width is 8.25 ~ 34.37 mm. The relationship between shell length (SL; mm) and shell height (SH; mm) was expressed by the equation SH=1.0407SL-1.7958 (r2=0.97, n=625, P<0.01) and between SL and shell width (SW; mm) by the equation SW=0.6884SL-2.3306 (r2=0.92, n=625, P<0.01). The relationship between SL and total weight (TW; g) was expressed by the following equation: TW=0.00006SL3.4559 (r2=0.95, n=389, P<0.01). We estimated the age of C. sinensis by reading the external rings on the shell. The age of this species ranged from 0 to 7 years. Based on external rings, the von Bertalanffy growth functions were expressed by the equation :
SLt =79.94(1-e-0.114(t+0.947))