A man supposes a certain space or world as a way of expressing his own being. And through this certain space or world, he could reflect and recognize himself. Therefore, we take human being not only an object occupying the small part of the space of t...
A man supposes a certain space or world as a way of expressing his own being. And through this certain space or world, he could reflect and recognize himself. Therefore, we take human being not only an object occupying the small part of the space of the world but also a creature residing in the world, controling and creating the world. When they say that narrations reflects the consciousness of the narrator and the process of studying himself, infinity of the methods realized in the narrations are based on their own awareness of the world. In this context, numerous writers show fiction and reality through their narrations.
Kim’s Song of String traces the process of his search through the matters of a man’s desire and realization. However, the presumption is the awareness of death. How a man perceives death, how he survives in this world, is the a man’s consistent desire in the work. How will he lead his life? Finally, this is the matter how he brings to a termination to his life at the end of his life. Eliade said death is not just extinction but (mostly temporary) existential change. That similarly applies to Kim’s work Song of String. After all the termination the author describes is a question of how we perceive the existence that has been replaced as another way of form A man fears the object that he cannot recognize. That is why death is taken as the object of fear, however, if a man supposed that death is the change of the existential dimension it could be taken as a rite of passage.
Kim Hoon was able to make fundamental approach to death, assuming an indifferent attitude. War makes death just everyday affairs. The author reveals a cold depiction of life through war. This is similar to the burial of the living with the dead (as an attendant on the death of his lord). As death is the inevitability of war, the death for people to be buried with the dead is the fate beyond their choice, their unavoidable destiny. However, this sense of emptiness is replaced with not the extinction but the change of existential dimension Existence does not terminate but its form is changed. The author raises the matter of communication between beings at the other side of the world by giving indifferent statement. In conclusion, like a man can arrange his own emotion and recognition in right order, he limits the world with his recognition and search about it. And the search is the embodied object through pursuing unearthly desire.