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      강원도 평창강과 유입천의 부착규조 군집분석 및 생물학적 수질평가 = The Epilithic Diatom Community and Water Quality Assessment in Pyengchang River and Inflow Streams of Gangwon-do



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The information about the physicochemical environments, the species distribution and community of the epilithic diatom cells in Pyengchang river and inflow streams of Gangwon-do were studied for assessment of biological water quality from June 2008 to...

      The information about the physicochemical environments, the species distribution and community of the epilithic diatom cells in Pyengchang river and inflow streams of Gangwon-do were studied for assessment of biological water quality from June 2008 to October 2010. Total 112 diatom taxa were identified with 2 orders, 9 families, 26 genera, 95 species and 17 varieties. Among the total taxa identified, 13taxa, 52taxa and 15taxa represented the family Achnanthaceae, Naviculaceae and Bacillariaceae, respectively. The pH values of the water was found to be neutral to alkaline due to the limestone grounds of Pyengchang river and inflow streams. The 13taxa including Epithemia adnata, belonged to alkaline-water diatoms, and three species-Cymbella japonica, Eunotia major and Fragilaria capitellata-are known to be acidic-water species. The species, Hannaea arcus, known as a cryophilic and mountain periphyton was identified at IF2, IF3 and IF4 in low water temperature environments at high altitudes, being a dominating species in P1 and IF1. Four saproxenous species-Achnanthes convergens, Cocconeis placentula var. lineata, Cymbella turgidula and Hannaea arcus-were dominant at some sampling sites. For biological water quality assessment, IF2, IF3 and P3 showed low water quality class. The values of DAIpo and TDI were 10.6~98.0 and 13.8~94.2, respectively. Therefore, biological water quality in Pyengchang river and inflow streams was relatively desirable.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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