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    RISS 인기검색어

      코드관리시스템(CMS)을 이용한 방사성물질 처분 및 출입제한에 관한 연구



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      Code Management System of radiation area with the bar code of personal dosimeter investigated in this study was better way to manage and control entrance and exit of radiation management compared with the previous controlling system of entrance and exit with biometrics system. To overcome the limited applications for the bar code of personal dosimeter, an infrared sensor and monitoring camera have to be applied. In addition, electro magnetic lock of Code Management System in restricted radiation area was proposed.
      In order to efficiently control radioactive materials in the universities, it is needed to change the integrated management system of radioactive materials produced from universities and nuclear power plants into the individual management system. The radioactive materials produced in the universities are low radioactive energy and very short half-life, whereas those materials produced in the nuclear power plants are very high radioactive energy and long half-life.
      Therefore, first of all, it is very imperative that the regulation system of radioactive materials needs to change into a differential radioactive management cost system to promote radiology and its related researches. Secondly, in organic solvents, which have a low radioactivity, a short half-life and difficulty in self disposal, the regulation of organic solvents can be changed according to the current field situation. Thirdly, in the autopsy of animals, which are almost impossible for self disposal, its disposal regulation also have to be changed (from vacuum package of animal carcass after freezing or drying into freezing animal carcass when Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Company undertakes the disposal of animal carcass). This amendment of regulation will significantly contribute to biomedical research with laboratory animals.

      Code Management System of radiation area with the bar code of personal dosimeter investigated in this study was better way to manage and control entrance and exit of radiation management compared with the previous controlling system of entrance and ex...

      Code Management System of radiation area with the bar code of personal dosimeter investigated in this study was better way to manage and control entrance and exit of radiation management compared with the previous controlling system of entrance and exit with biometrics system. To overcome the limited applications for the bar code of personal dosimeter, an infrared sensor and monitoring camera have to be applied. In addition, electro magnetic lock of Code Management System in restricted radiation area was proposed.
      In order to efficiently control radioactive materials in the universities, it is needed to change the integrated management system of radioactive materials produced from universities and nuclear power plants into the individual management system. The radioactive materials produced in the universities are low radioactive energy and very short half-life, whereas those materials produced in the nuclear power plants are very high radioactive energy and long half-life.
      Therefore, first of all, it is very imperative that the regulation system of radioactive materials needs to change into a differential radioactive management cost system to promote radiology and its related researches. Secondly, in organic solvents, which have a low radioactivity, a short half-life and difficulty in self disposal, the regulation of organic solvents can be changed according to the current field situation. Thirdly, in the autopsy of animals, which are almost impossible for self disposal, its disposal regulation also have to be changed (from vacuum package of animal carcass after freezing or drying into freezing animal carcass when Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Company undertakes the disposal of animal carcass). This amendment of regulation will significantly contribute to biomedical research with laboratory animals.


      목차 (Table of Contents)

      • 제1장 서 론 1
      • 1. 연구 배경 1
      • 2. 연구 목적 및 연구 방법 2
      • 제2장 이론적 고찰 4
      • 1. 방사성물질 코드관리시스템 4
      • 제1장 서 론 1
      • 1. 연구 배경 1
      • 2. 연구 목적 및 연구 방법 2
      • 제2장 이론적 고찰 4
      • 1. 방사성물질 코드관리시스템 4
      • 1) 개요 및 시스템 구성요소 4
      • (1) 지문인식시스템 6
      • (2) 무인카메라 8
      • (3) 보안카드 11
      • (4) TLD(열형광선량계) 14
      • (5) 바코드 시스템 17
      • 2) 방사성물질 관련법규 21
      • (1) 원자력법 제2조(정의) 21
      • (2) 원자력법 제97조(방사선장해방지조치) 21
      • (3) 원자력법 시행령 21
      • (4) 원자력법 시행규칙 22
      • 2. 대학의 방사성물질 처분 및 관리 22
      • 1) 방사성물질의 특성 22
      • 2) 방사성물질의 종류 23
      • 3) 방사성물질의 처리 24
      • 4) 방사성물질의 자체처분 28
      • (1) 자체처분 근거 및 도입배경 28
      • (2) 자체처분 대상 28
      • (3) 자체처분계획서 작성 및 절차 28
      • 제3장 본 론 33
      • 1. 대학 방사성물질 관리 시스템 개선 방안 33
      • 1) 대학별 방사성물질 관리 시스템 현황 33
      • (1) A 대학교 방사성물질 관리 시스템 33
      • (2) B 대학교 방사성물질 관리 시스템 38
      • (3) C 대학교 방사성물질 관리 시스템 42
      • (4) D 대학교 방사성물질 관리 시스템 43
      • 2) 대학의 방사성물질 관리 시스템 제안 43
      • (1) 시스템 개요 43
      • (2) 시스템 기술검토 46
      • (3) 발전방향 46
      • 2. 대학의 방사성물질 처분 및 관리 개선 방안 47
      • 1) 방사성물질 운영 실태 47
      • (1) C 대학교 방사성물질 처분 현황 47
      • (2) 액체방사성물질의 처리 48
      • (3) 방사성물질 동물사체 처리 50
      • 2) 방사성물질 처리의 문제점 및 개선 방안 51
      • (1) 원전 및 대학 방사성물질 처리 51
      • (2) 유기용매 처리 51
      • (3) 동물사체 처리 52
      • 제4장 결 론 54
      • 참 고 문 헌 56














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