The Human Genome Project is but the latest increment in a remarkable scientific program whose origins stretch back a hundred years to the rediscovery of Mendel's laws and whose end is nowhere in sight. In a sense, it provides a capstone for efforts in...
The Human Genome Project is but the latest increment in a remarkable scientific program whose origins stretch back a hundred years to the rediscovery of Mendel's laws and whose end is nowhere in sight. In a sense, it provides a capstone for efforts in the past century to discover genetic information and a foundation for efforts in the coming century to understand it. An understanding of the Human Genome Project and disease risk promises to change significantly the future prevention and treatment of illness. The new focus on the Human Genome Project, as well as other applications of the human genome sequence, raises additional ethical, legal, and social issues that need to be anticipated, considered, and resolved. In this study, a questionnaire concerning both technical and philosophical concepts about the Human Genome Project was given to 782 college students in an introductory biology course for non-majors. The summarized result shows that the majority of students have higher concerned abort the project. Furthermore, whin asked about their viewpoint on Human Genome Project, most expression made by students appear to repeat phrases frequently used in mass-media such as treatment of illness, philosophically, ethical and religious issues. These facts suggest that even for group who has above average knowledge about general processes of biology, their perspectives on the Human Genome Project tends to be molded by the propaganda of society. In this respect extreme prudence is required for scientist when expressing their opinion on the issue of Human Genome Project, while science teachers are responsible for correcting the common, misconceptions abort Human Genome Project among students.