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      청소년양육미혼모의 부모됨의 경험과 의미: 시간체험에 관한 현상학적 연구 = Experiences and Meaning of being Parents of Young Single Mothers: a Phenomenological Research on Time Experience



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This study did a phenomenological research, using time experiences, on young single mothers who choose child rearing unlike most of those who stay away from them. The study observed young single mothers` motivation of choosing to take care of their ch...

      This study did a phenomenological research, using time experiences, on young single mothers who choose child rearing unlike most of those who stay away from them. The study observed young single mothers` motivation of choosing to take care of their children even under negative circumstances and their interactions with children over a period of time. 8 young single mothers ranging from 16 to 22 years old residing in Korea are subjects to be thoroughly interviewed around 5-8 times starting May in 2010 and ending March in 2011. van Manes` phenomenological research is used in data analyses. The process of being parents of young single mothers is summarized as Going forward against the flow of time river to be self-sufficient in the world. They are at first experiencing ``an emotional roller coaster``, then ``tug of war between maternal instinct and ambition``, and finally ending up with ``self designed and motivated life.`` The result above tells that the period of being parents of young single mothers is not simply negative experiences as people normally think, but is a meaningful time becoming a responsible person faced with great difficulties, a healing time of past, present and future, an empowering time of being a independent person who acts with her own willpower. The findings justify that integrated and individualized support should be provided to young single mothers to help them build a healthy family with regard to youth welfare policy and its implementation.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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      2 서덕희, "홈스쿨링의 가능성과 한계에 관한 참여관찰 연구" 서울대학교 2006

      3 석창훈, "학생미혼모 실태와 학업지속을 위한 교육복지적 대안 연구. 미혼모자립지원의 주요 쟁점과 해법(1)" 한국여성정책연구원 2009

      4 밴 매넌, "체험연구" 동녘 1994

      5 한인영, "청소년 성폭력 경험자의 현상학적 연구 -시선으로부터 살아남기" 한국정신보건사회복지학회 30 (30): 385-417, 2008

      6 홍순혜, "청소년 미혼모의 교육권보장 실태조사" 국가인권위원회 2007

      7 변귀연, "청소년 미혼모와 그들의 교육권에 대한 교사의 인식" 한국청소년복지학회 11 (11): 1-22, 2009

      8 조흥식, "질적연구방법론:다섯가지 전통" 학지사 2005

      9 김미옥, "중도장애인의 레질리언스(Resilience) 과정에 관한 연구" 한국사회복지학회 60 (60): 99-129, 2008

      10 김혜영, "양육미혼모의 삶과 자립 지원방안. 사회적 편견과 미혼 모관련 통계" 한국여성정책연구원 2010

      1 한국일보,

      2 서덕희, "홈스쿨링의 가능성과 한계에 관한 참여관찰 연구" 서울대학교 2006

      3 석창훈, "학생미혼모 실태와 학업지속을 위한 교육복지적 대안 연구. 미혼모자립지원의 주요 쟁점과 해법(1)" 한국여성정책연구원 2009

      4 밴 매넌, "체험연구" 동녘 1994

      5 한인영, "청소년 성폭력 경험자의 현상학적 연구 -시선으로부터 살아남기" 한국정신보건사회복지학회 30 (30): 385-417, 2008

      6 홍순혜, "청소년 미혼모의 교육권보장 실태조사" 국가인권위원회 2007

      7 변귀연, "청소년 미혼모와 그들의 교육권에 대한 교사의 인식" 한국청소년복지학회 11 (11): 1-22, 2009

      8 조흥식, "질적연구방법론:다섯가지 전통" 학지사 2005

      9 김미옥, "중도장애인의 레질리언스(Resilience) 과정에 관한 연구" 한국사회복지학회 60 (60): 99-129, 2008

      10 김혜영, "양육미혼모의 삶과 자립 지원방안. 사회적 편견과 미혼 모관련 통계" 한국여성정책연구원 2010

      11 정진경, "사회복지법 관련 헌법재판소 판례 분석 : 1987~2004년 헌법판례 현황과 내용을 중심으로" 한국사회복지학회 58 (58): 373-394, 2006

      12 SmithBattle,L, "“I wanna have a good Future” teen mothers' rise in educational aspirations, competing demands, and limited school support" 28 : 348-371, 2007

      13 Barn,R.Mantovani,N, "Young mothers and the care system: Contextualizing risk and vulnerability" 37 : 225-243, 2007

      14 Morehead, A, "Teenage mothers: constructing Family" 72 : 64-71, 2005

      15 Yardley,E, "Teenage mothers' experiences of formal support services" 38 (38): 241-257, 2009

      16 Macleod,C, "Teenage motherhood and the regulation of mothering in the scientific literature: The south african example" 11 (11): 49-510, 2001

      17 Yardley,E, "Teenage mother's experiences of stigma" 11 (11): 671-684, 2008

      18 Kulkarni,S, "Romance narrative, feminine ideals, and developmental detours for young mothers" 22 (22): 9-22, 2007

      19 Dalla, R., "Mother, daughter, teenager-who am I? Perceptions of adolescent maternity in a navajo reservation community" 21 (21): 225-245, 2000

      20 Mollborn,S, "Making the best of a bad situation: material resources and teenage parenthood" 69 : 92-104, 2007

      21 Oxford, M. L., "Life course heterogeneity in the transition from adolescence to adulthood among adolescent mothers" 15 (15): 479-504, 2005

      22 Dalla, R., "Examining the lives of navajo native american teenage mothers in context: A 12-to 15 years follow-up" 58 : 148-161, 2009

      23 Breheny, M., "Breaking the cycle: constructing intergenerational explanations for disadvantage" 13 : 754-763, 2008

      24 Herzog, M., "Adolescent mothers' perceptions of fathers' parental involvement: satisfaction and desire for involvement" 56 : 244-257, 2007

      25 Oz, S., "A comparison of the psychological profiles of teenage mothers and their nonmother peers: i. ego development" 27 (27): 193-202, 1992















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