1 Morgan, Kenneth, O., "옥스퍼드 영국사" 한울아카데미 1995
2 "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJvNwG6gJGw"
3 "https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2016/apr/13/arnold-wesker-interview-archive-1960"
4 "https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=929728&cid=43667&categoryId=43667"
5 "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/theatre/theatre-reviews/8749101/The-Kitchen-National-Theatre-review.html"
6 Wilcher, Robert, "Understanding Arnold Wesker" U of South Carolina P 1991
7 Wesker, Arnold, "The Wesker Trilogy" BaltimoreL Penguins 1971
8 Leeming, Glenda, "The Plays of Arnold Wesker: An Assessment" Victor Gollancz 1971
9 Spencer, Charles, "The Kitchen, National Theatre, Review"
10 Conley, Francine Heather, "The Kitchen (review)" 50 (50): 125-127, 1998
1 Morgan, Kenneth, O., "옥스퍼드 영국사" 한울아카데미 1995
2 "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJvNwG6gJGw"
3 "https://www.theguardian.com/stage/2016/apr/13/arnold-wesker-interview-archive-1960"
4 "https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=929728&cid=43667&categoryId=43667"
5 "http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/theatre/theatre-reviews/8749101/The-Kitchen-National-Theatre-review.html"
6 Wilcher, Robert, "Understanding Arnold Wesker" U of South Carolina P 1991
7 Wesker, Arnold, "The Wesker Trilogy" BaltimoreL Penguins 1971
8 Leeming, Glenda, "The Plays of Arnold Wesker: An Assessment" Victor Gollancz 1971
9 Spencer, Charles, "The Kitchen, National Theatre, Review"
10 Conley, Francine Heather, "The Kitchen (review)" 50 (50): 125-127, 1998
11 Fricker, Karen, "Review: ‘The Kitchen’"
12 Lacey, Stephen, "Naturalism, Poetic Realism, Spectacle: Wesker’s ‘The Kitchen’ in Performance" 12 (12): 237-248, 1996
13 Wesker, Arnold, "Kitchen/ The Four Seasons/ Their Very Own and Golden City" Penguin 1981
14 Shepherd, Simon, "English Drama: A Cultural History" Blackwell 1996
15 Bigsby, C.W.E., "Contemporary English Drama" Edward Arnold 11-52, 1981
16 Shellard, Dominic, "British Theatre Since the War" Yale UP 1999
17 Hinchliffe, Arnold P., "British Theatre 1950-1970" Basil Blackwell 1974
18 Wesker, Arnold, "As Much as I Dare: An Autobiography (1932-1959)" Century 1994
19 Dornan, Reade, "Arnold Wesker: A Casebook" Garland 1-13, 1998
20 Dornan, Reade, "Arnold Wesker: A Casebook" Garland 1998
21 King, Kimball, "Arnold Wesker: A Casebook" Garland 119-129, 1998
22 "Arnold Wesker-interview Transcript"
23 Hayman, Ronald, "Arnold Wesker" Frederick Ungar 1973