This study examined the difference in recognizing ‘Gyeonmal’ between Korean native speakers and Japanese learners of advanced level Korean language as well as the aspect of resultant speech expressions of both speakers. The 1st chapter raised a ...에서 pinyin(병음)방식으로 중국어를 변환할 수 있습니다.
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다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
This study examined the difference in recognizing ‘Gyeonmal’ between Korean native speakers and Japanese learners of advanced level Korean language as well as the aspect of resultant speech expressions of both speakers. The 1st chapter raised a ...
This study examined the difference in recognizing ‘Gyeonmal’ between Korean native speakers and Japanese learners of advanced level Korean language as well as the aspect of resultant speech expressions of both speakers.
The 1st chapter raised a problem that Japanese learners of Korean language might cause misunderstanding in communication owing to their different viewpoints of ‘Gyeonmal’ from Korean native speakers. The 2nd chapter defined the concept of ‘Gyeonmal’ on the basis of ‘Face Theory’, considering its characteristics and patterns.
In terms of the contents, both Korean native speakers and Japanese learners of advanced Korean language agreed in recognizing ‘Gyeonmal’ as an act to lose the other’s Face(Face Threatening Acts : FTA). Still, they were definitely different in the degree of negative recognition of ‘Gyeonmal’ and speech permission; the Korean native speakers regarded ‘Gyeonmal’ as a way to seek a friendly relationship with the others according to intimacy, while the Japanese learners of Korean language regarded it as a speech act which should be evaded because it is a rude act to the others. Moreover, the former thought ‘Gyeonmal’ would arouse the other’s laughter and enhance sense of belonging to and intimacy with the others, whereas the latter did not use it because they thought the others would laugh to ridicule them.
This study is meaningful in that it examined the differences in cultural recognition and in speech to focus the necessity to teach ‘Gyeonmal’ which was not even mentioned at the educational setting until now. Thus, a further study needs to be done to find a substantial method to teach ‘Gyeonmal’. Department of Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)
This study examined the difference in recognizing ‘Gyeonmal’ between Korean native speakers and Japanese learners of advanced level Korean language as well as the aspect of resultant speech expressions of both speakers. The 1st chapter raised a...
This study examined the difference in recognizing ‘Gyeonmal’ between Korean native speakers and Japanese learners of advanced level Korean language as well as the aspect of resultant speech expressions of both speakers.
The 1st chapter raised a problem that Japanese learners of Korean language might cause misunderstanding in communication owing to their different viewpoints of ‘Gyeonmal’ from Korean native speakers. The 2nd chapter defined the concept of ‘Gyeonmal’ on the basis of ‘Face Theory’, considering its characteristics and patterns.
In terms of the contents, both Korean native speakers and Japanese learners of advanced Korean language agreed in recognizing ‘Gyeonmal’ as an act to lose the other’s Face(Face Threatening Acts : FTA). Still, they were definitely different in the degree of negative recognition of ‘Gyeonmal’ and speech permission; the Korean native speakers regarded ‘Gyeonmal’ as a way to seek a friendly relationship with the others according to intimacy, while the Japanese learners of Korean language regarded it as a speech act which should be evaded because it is a rude act to the others. Moreover, the former thought ‘Gyeonmal’ would arouse the other’s laughter and enhance sense of belonging to and intimacy with the others, whereas the latter did not use it because they thought the others would laugh to ridicule them.
This study is meaningful in that it examined the differences in cultural recognition and in speech to focus the necessity to teach ‘Gyeonmal’ which was not even mentioned at the educational setting until now. Thus, a further study needs to be done to find a substantial method to teach ‘Gyeonmal’. Department of Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
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