1 이세형, "정의와 평화를 지향하는 레오나르도 보프의 생명 삼위일체론" 117-130, 2011
2 장윤재, "에큐메니컬 운동의 미래에 대한 한 제언" 2010
3 이세형, "삼위일체와 사회" 대한기독교서회 2011
4 피터스, 테드, "삼위일체 하나님 - 신적 삶 안에 있는 관계성과 시간성" 컨콜디아사 2007
5 신옥수, "몰트만의 사회적 삼위일체론-비판적 대화를 중심으로" 30 : 203-230, 2007
6 Volf, Miroslav, "‘The Trinity is Our Social Program’: The Doctrine of the Trinity and the Shape of Social Engagement" 14 : 403-434, 1998
7 Boff, Leonardo, "Trinity and Society" Orbis Books 1997
8 Maurice, Frederick Denison, "Theological Essays (1stedition)" Redfield 1854
9 Schwöbel, Christopher, "The Renaisssance of Trinitarian Theology: Reasons, Problems and Tasks, In Trinitarian Theology Today: Essays on Divine Being and Act" T&T Clark 1995
10 Gunton, Colin, "The Promise of Trinitarian Theology(2nd edition)" T&T Clark 1997
1 이세형, "정의와 평화를 지향하는 레오나르도 보프의 생명 삼위일체론" 117-130, 2011
2 장윤재, "에큐메니컬 운동의 미래에 대한 한 제언" 2010
3 이세형, "삼위일체와 사회" 대한기독교서회 2011
4 피터스, 테드, "삼위일체 하나님 - 신적 삶 안에 있는 관계성과 시간성" 컨콜디아사 2007
5 신옥수, "몰트만의 사회적 삼위일체론-비판적 대화를 중심으로" 30 : 203-230, 2007
6 Volf, Miroslav, "‘The Trinity is Our Social Program’: The Doctrine of the Trinity and the Shape of Social Engagement" 14 : 403-434, 1998
7 Boff, Leonardo, "Trinity and Society" Orbis Books 1997
8 Maurice, Frederick Denison, "Theological Essays (1stedition)" Redfield 1854
9 Schwöbel, Christopher, "The Renaisssance of Trinitarian Theology: Reasons, Problems and Tasks, In Trinitarian Theology Today: Essays on Divine Being and Act" T&T Clark 1995
10 Gunton, Colin, "The Promise of Trinitarian Theology(2nd edition)" T&T Clark 1997
11 Maurice, Frederick Denison, "The Doctrine of Sacrifice: Deduced from the Scriptures: a Serious of Sermons" Macmillan 1893
12 Maurice, Frederick Denison, "Social Morality: Twenty-One Lectures Delivered in the University of Cambridge" Macmillan 1869
13 Grenz, Stanley J., "Rediscovering the Triune God in Contemporary Theology" Fortress Press 2004
14 Welch, Claude, "Mystery and Truth: A Preface to Trinitarian Theology" 29 (29): 16-31, 1959
15 Welch, Claude, "In This Name: The Doctrine of the Trinity in Contemporary Theology" Charles Scribner’s Sons 1952
16 Boff, Leonardo, "Holy Trinity, Perfect Communiy" Orbis Books 2000
17 Ted Peters, "God as Trinity: Relationality and Temporality in the Divine Life" Westminster John Knox 1993
18 Volf, Miroslav, "Exclusion & Embrace: A Theological Exploration of Identity, Otherness, and Reconciliation" Abingdon Press 1996