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      어휘 관계 읽기를 활용한 자기글 수정 = A study self-revision using of reading vocabulary relations



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      The purpose of this paper is to propose a revised proposal of a self-revision that utilizes a written teaching method to improve the quality level of thought at universities and learners, using a reading of vocabulary relationship. Therefore, in this paper, we have studied three steps.
      First, we examined the tendency of typical learner revisions of university students, and compared the revisions of the students who received the level of "upper" on the previous-writing, the analysis results are as follows. One is that it is not possible to access the macroscopic dimension and can not lead to qualitative improvement, and the two represent a negative tendency to rely on the teaching evaluation, such as TA comments. It may be pointed out that learners do not perform effective "revision".
      Secondly, we examined the "revision" is expected for writing education. As a result of analyzing the article that received the level of 'upper' in the writing task, the professor showed that the learner wants to set up a deep thesis statement and to systematize the relationship between the thesis statement elements structurally. The learner who tries to revise does not find his/her strength, and therefore, it stops at the passive ‘correction’.
      Third, the writing teaching method for improving the quality level is to lead the "revision" of macro structure such as 'thesis statement' or 'structure'. The subject matter consists of the relation of key words and the relation is projected into the structure. The quality of the learner writing can be improved by reading the relation of this key words and coordinating the relations among the key words.

      The purpose of this paper is to propose a revised proposal of a self-revision that utilizes a written teaching method to improve the quality level of thought at universities and learners, using a reading of vocabulary relationship. Therefore, in this ...

      The purpose of this paper is to propose a revised proposal of a self-revision that utilizes a written teaching method to improve the quality level of thought at universities and learners, using a reading of vocabulary relationship. Therefore, in this paper, we have studied three steps.
      First, we examined the tendency of typical learner revisions of university students, and compared the revisions of the students who received the level of "upper" on the previous-writing, the analysis results are as follows. One is that it is not possible to access the macroscopic dimension and can not lead to qualitative improvement, and the two represent a negative tendency to rely on the teaching evaluation, such as TA comments. It may be pointed out that learners do not perform effective "revision".
      Secondly, we examined the "revision" is expected for writing education. As a result of analyzing the article that received the level of 'upper' in the writing task, the professor showed that the learner wants to set up a deep thesis statement and to systematize the relationship between the thesis statement elements structurally. The learner who tries to revise does not find his/her strength, and therefore, it stops at the passive ‘correction’.
      Third, the writing teaching method for improving the quality level is to lead the "revision" of macro structure such as 'thesis statement' or 'structure'. The subject matter consists of the relation of key words and the relation is projected into the structure. The quality of the learner writing can be improved by reading the relation of this key words and coordinating the relations among the key words.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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