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      산후우울에 미치는 자기효능감, 부부갈등 및 산전우울의 영향 = The Effect of Self Efficacy, Marital Conflicts and Prenatal Depression on Postpartum Depression



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      다국어 초록 (Multilingual Abstract)

      This research tried to find out the relative impact of the variables that affect postpartum depression. Year 1 data of the Korean children panel study, conducted since 2008 by the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education was used for the analysis o...

      This research tried to find out the relative impact of the variables that affect postpartum depression. Year 1 data of the Korean children panel study, conducted since 2008 by the Korea Institute of Child Care and Education was used for the analysis of this research, and survey data were finally statistically treated 1,589 people. The results of this study were as follow: First, women in childbed`s level of postpartum depression were not high, and it was manifested into normal group and women in childbed manifested high sense of self-efficacy while levels of husband-wife conflict and prenatal depression were not high. Second, there was statistically significant difference by each group of women in childbed`s postpartum depression(normal, hardness/moderate, intermediate) when it comes to whether they drink or smoke. Third, there was statistically significant difference by each group of group of women in childbed`s postpartum depression(normal, hardness/moderate, intermediate) when it comes to sense of self-efficacy, husband-wife conflict and prenatal depression. Fourth, there was a difference in the influence of the background variables, sense of self-efficacy, husband-wife conflict and prenatal depression on the postpartum depression. In other words, postpartum depression was higher when the when the sense of self-efficacy is lower, husband-wife conflict is greater and the level of prenatal depression is higher. This research is to provide basic data for the development of programs for family consultation and for the training, targeting women in childbed and spouse.


      참고문헌 (Reference)

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