Cheong Yagyong (1762-1836), who was a Yi-ologist at the late Lidynasty of Korea(1392-1910), deduced Tuiyi theory by interpreting Yizhuanand Guabian (hexagrams alternation) theory in the Han dynasty.
His theory elaborated the transfer of the 12 hexagr...
Cheong Yagyong (1762-1836), who was a Yi-ologist at the late Lidynasty of Korea(1392-1910), deduced Tuiyi theory by interpreting Yizhuanand Guabian (hexagrams alternation) theory in the Han dynasty.
His theory elaborated the transfer of the 12 hexagrams relatingto 12 months and the 2 hexagrams of Zhongfu and Xiaoguo transformsinto other 50 hexagrams. Fusing Guaqi theory and divination together,he integrated Guabian theory in Han tradition and its evolution in theQing dynasty, Mao Qiling’s thought, and absorbed the Guabian theoryin the Song dynasty, represented by ZhuXi. It should be consideredthat Cheong Yagyong’s theory was built on the basis of fusion of Hanand Song Guabian theory, developing ancient Chinese Guabian ideaand expanding the thinking of image-numerology learning. He elucidatedthe idea of changes of Yin and Yang in Yi-ology, such as Jusan,Shengjiang, Xiaoxi, Tuiyi, etc., objectively, presenting variety of formsand manifestations characteristics of Yin and Yang in nature world anddeepening the philosophy of natural law with the changes as core inancient China.